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reminds me of this joke:

A man was seen jumping up and down on top of a man-hole cover. Every time he jumped, he yelled "42! 42! 42!"

Everybody was ignoring him, thinking he was righfully quite mad.

But one person stopped. He stood in front of him, watching him jump up and down and yelling "42! 42! 42!"

"Why are you jumping up and down?", he asked him.

"It's the most fun ever!" He replied. "Come, you should try it!", he said quite excitedly.

So the person reluctantly stood on top of the man-hole cover, hopped up and said, "Um, 42."

"No no no! You must say it with PRIDE, with GUSTO, with GREAT JOY!!" he insisted.

So the person crouched down, took a deep breath, and LEAPED UP oh so high, and was so proud of it that he yelled with gusto, "42!!!"

At that moment, the man pulled the man-hole cover, and the person swished down inside the hole.

He put the cover back quickly, and with a big smile on his face, resumed jumping.

"43! 43! 43!!!"

By Pierre Caron (not verified) on 31 Oct 2006 #permalink

If this is the answer, what's the question?

Sorry Dale, no one can know both the answer and the question at the same time.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 01 Nov 2006 #permalink

If this is the answer, what's the question?
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

By Justin Hirsh (not verified) on 01 Nov 2006 #permalink

Fo smart folks, y'all missed de boat here.

Remember back to elementary days. The joke about the old coots in jail. An new kid comes to visit. Asks about the numbers called out during the night, why they cause laughter.

Old guy tells kid, "there is only one book in the prison library. We've all read it hundreds of times. Rather that repeat the joke, we just call out the number."

The newcomer calls out a number. Silence.
He calls again. Nada.
Once more, for England. Again, rien. Crickets and hum.

Second old guy looks at him and says, "It's all in how ya tell it, kid."

By Soviet Canukistani (not verified) on 01 Nov 2006 #permalink