Everything you ever wanted to know about climate change but didn't know whom to ask

New Scientist has assembled a marvelous list of 26 of the most-cited objections to the scientific consensus on climate change. Temperatures rise before carbon dioxide; polar bear population is increasing; there is no consensus; it's all there. This handy-dandy resource -- the answers include source materials -- should be bookmarked. Here's the complete list:

⢠Human CO2 emissions are too tiny to matter

⢠We can't do anything about climate change

⢠The 'hockey stick' graph has been proven wrong

⢠Chaotic systems are not predictable

⢠We can't trust computer models of climate

⢠They predicted global cooling in the 1970s

⢠It's been far warmer in the past, what's the big deal?

⢠It's too cold where I live - warming will be great

⢠Global warming is down to the Sun, not humans

⢠It's all down to cosmic rays

⢠CO2 isn't the most important greenhouse gas

⢠The lower atmosphere is cooling, not warming

⢠Antarctica is getting cooler, not warmer, disproving global warming

⢠The oceans are cooling

⢠The cooling after 1940 shows CO2 does not cause warming

⢠It was warmer during the Medieval period, with vineyards in England

⢠We are simply recovering from the Little Ice Age

⢠Warming will cause an ice age in Europe

⢠Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming

⢠Ice cores show CO2 rising as temperatures fell

⢠Mars and Pluto are warming too

⢠Many leading scientists question climate change

⢠It's all a conspiracy

⢠Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming

⢠Higher CO2 levels will boost plant growth and food production

⢠Polar bear numbers are increasing

And again, the answers are here.


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This one kind of throws a wrench in their works. They can't claim that the website isn't scientific since it is called new scientist. Not to mention it might actually educate us all.