Talking at Woods Hole

If you're in the neighborhood of Woods Hole, Mass., let me invite you to my talk on Friday, June 9 at the Marine Biological Laboratory. I'll be talking about human evolution, but given that I'll be at the Marine Biological Laboratory, I figure I'll include some discussion of the marine biology in our past.

The talk is at 7 at the Lillie Auditorium, and it's free and open to the public. Directions are here.


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I'd be interested in reading your presentation. Where might I do that?

By Larry Sullivan (not verified) on 27 May 2006 #permalink

Carl Zimmer, I want to have your baby!

But seriously though, I loved your book *Parasite Rex*. To invoke the scientific allure of a then seventeen year old, is quite a feat. Unfortunately, I will not be in the neighborhood of Woods Hole. But perhaps, thanks to you, I will continue my love of science and pursue a Ph.D. in Biology at Wesleyan University. Cheers and good wishes to you.