Encephalon 53 & Hourglass

The 53rd edition of Encephalon is online now at Ionian Enchantment and includes entries about grid cells, cochlear implants and how culture affects the perception of faces.

The carnival comes back to it's original home for the next edition - I'll be hosting it here on 15th September. If you'd like to contribute, send permalinks to your neuroscience and psychology blog posts to encephalon{dot}host{at}gmail {dot}com.

Also, there's a new blog carnival called Hourglass that you might like to take a look at. It's about biogerontology (the biology of aging), and the first and second editions are at Ouroborous.

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Alvaro has kindly agreed to take over as organizer of Encephalon, the neuroscience carnival which I started back in August 2006. He has set up a new homepage for the carnival, and will be hosting the next edition this coming Monday at SharpBrains. If you'd like to contribute, send permalinks to…
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The final post at Neurofuture is a fantastic 30th edition of Encephalon, which, as usual, includes good stuff from the best neuroscience and psychology blogs on the web. The next edition of the carnival will be hosted by Dr. Deb Serani on September 10th. If you'd like to contribute, email…

Thanks for the link to Hourglass and Ouroborous. I've had several ancestors live into their nineties and a couple that made it to a hundred. One of my great great great uncles I knew as a child had hid in a root cellar during the American Civil War as the plantation burned down around him.

The old folks I personally knew did the things that researchers are now finding increases life. They exercised, weren't big eaters and stayed mentally active. Most of them lived in isolated rural areas though and weren't very social. When their husbands or wives died they did start to drift a bit into their memories of the old days.

My great granddaddy, who lived to be 93, said the trick was to do everything in moderation, a cigar once a week, a shot of moonshine once a month and no wild women. I'm not sure why he included that last one in his advice to me, since I'm female and hetro. :)

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hmm, that sentence about my uncle is pretty sloppy. What I meant was he was still alive when I was child, not that I knew him when he was a child. I may be at the beginning of my golden years but I'm not old enough to remember the Civil War! lol

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink