Grad students on spring break


From Jimmy Fallon:

Last night, Michael Showalter (from Stella, Wet Hot American Summer, The State, your dreams) made a cameo on the show. He and our head writer, A.D. Miles, played a couple of Columbia grad students on spring break. Things got pretty scandalous!

Really funny... but totally off base. It's more like Girls Gone Wild... I promise!

-via everyday scientist-

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By Katherine (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

Nice Catch! Thanks for posting - it makes my Spring Breaks at the library seem ever so much more over the edge! :)

I don't know what's scarier, the fact that I understood every part of their pompous banter, or the fact that they seem to be having a better spring break than me (locked in my room 24/7 throwing myself at my thesis) XP