Blog Roll Update

i-84ac97ec67ed681470b12679bcc28564-toilet_blog_roll.jpgWell, since everyone else is doing it I guess I'll jump as well.

Do you want to be on the blog roll?? Let us know in the comments section and we might add you if you f'n rock!

One thing I won't add - personal blogs with stuff like, "I met Tommy's family today and boy was I scared at first but by the end of the day his parents were like part of my family and stuff blah blah blah" [edit by Sandra - unless you also write about the cutting edge neuroscience research Tommy and his family are doing].

Also, do you have any thoughts about this blog? Any comments? Suggestions?


More like this

Have a look at my blog.

The blog is great. I've noticed that you tend to post more on-topic and less funny pictures lately, which I like. Keep up the good work!

(and don't drop the funny pictures altogether!)

I've linked to several science blogs, OB among them. And I'd love to hang my shingle out on the blogroll.

The only trouble is that I can't for the life of me imagine what reason you could have for linking there. Sad perhaps, but true; I believe that my blog is as relevant as a dimestore paperback.

But I often enjoy writing it. Or scrawling, really. And if you cared to link to it I'd be deeply worried about your judgement, but flattered nonetheless.

Hola Sandra,

Please take a look and see if you like our blog.

I discovered your blog too recently to give meaningful feedback now...except to say that I love so many ScienceBlogs that I am getting a bit confused on who does there any good high-level description on main topics covered by each blogger there?

you know... I don't think there is a list of who covers what.
That's a good idea though.

As for adding the blog - I'll let sandra be in charge of that :)

It's your blogroll too, Steve...but sure. :)

Welcome to the sidebar, Alvaro, nice to meet you.

Metro, your blog is cool, but I'm making the call not to add it just because we're focussed on brain-related blogs. No offense.