A small step for a scientist…

DFLers, today is the day for the precinct caucuses. Here in Morris, we're meeting in Old Number One Southside at 7 PM—be there! Most importantly, Pete Wyckoff is running for the chairmanship of the Stevens County DFL party. We need to get a scientist elected for the position, since this is our first step in American domination, which will culminate in the election of a philosopher-king to run the country.

First Stevens County, Minnesota…then the world!

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Speaking of steps, I jsut found this in the news:
Human quadrupeds discovered in Turkey

Researchers believe the five brothers and sisters, who can walk naturally only on all fours, may provide new information on how humans evolved from four-legged hominids to walk upright.

How does Antarctica fit into that Green scheme? It's owned by several nations on several continents, so does it therefore already have Green representation?