Come on out to the fair

I know the summer is coming to an end when the Stevens County Fair opens. I'm going to be spending a good chunk of my afternoon and evening there tonight — I'll be holding down the Stevens Community Humane Society booth from 6-8pm, and the Stevens County DFL booth from 8:30-10:30pm. I'll have a whole free half hour in there to duck into the beer hall.


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I had to click on through to the state-wide home page to find out that this is the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Then one more click explained that this is the Minnesota arm of the national Democratic Party.

WHAT?! An atheist can have morals and be humane? This is unheard of!

I'll be holding down the Stevens Community Humane Society booth...

Especially windy in Stevens County? Or perhaps an area that is "gravitationally-challenged"? Or are there anti-Humane Society groups going around turning over the tables?

It's in a huge old barn of a building, and last year they had these immense fans on the floor to try and cool the place down and get some circulation. I may be literally holding things down -- I was last year.

Don't worry, the DFL booth is blocked from any breeze by a large sprayer next door. Oh, and thanks for the link exposing both my mad web design skillz and lack of updates.

Enjoy the fair, Dr. Myers!

By jeffox backtrollin' (not verified) on 10 Aug 2007 #permalink