Today I Can't Think of a Decent Blog Post Title

I'm in D.C, attending the sorters meeting for the APS March meeting. Traveling in early December is always nice as the planes seem to be empty (*stretch*) and sheesh, it's downright balmy here in D.C. Now I've absconded to a second rate hotel in the middle of what I can only guess is somewhere near the mythical land of suburbia, since the place is surrounded by office complexes, watching the civil war (no, not that civil war, that one.)

Things I've been thinking about when I'm not obsession about my latest research:

  • Has anyone ever tried sending a prop to a conference?
  • Because I hate advice columns about graduate school I am happy to point you to Luis von Ahn's advice on graduate school applications.
  • Next thing you know, xkcd will be drawing Spherical Cows
  • Fafblog contemplates the Pauli paradox.
  • On twitter I was asked "do you think entangled angular momentum states provide any advantage for QKD?" to which I had only FAIL in response. Opinions?
  • A very cool volcano picture.
  • Oh, and happy birthday to Ellen Swallow Richards, even if you did go to the lesser Tech school

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I'm just reading about QKD [here, and here]. My first reaction is that there is practical conflict between the entanglement construction [key encoding] and the distribution mechanism. I don't have much of an opinion yet about it in principle.

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By Ken Brown (not verified) on 06 Dec 2009 #permalink

Thanks for giving us the finite (squeezed) version of "Today I Can't Think of a Decent Blog Post Title except for Today I Can't Think of a Decent Blog Post Title except for Today I Can't Think of a Decent Blog Post Title..."

Bacon flavored mints! Now I know what everyone is getting their stocking this year :)

Entangled quantum states are not separable, regardless of the spatial separation of their components. This is a manifestation of an aspect of quantum mechanics known as quantum nonlocality.
So, this might be a good name for the blog post. ;)