Links for 2011-04-21

  • "Recently, a student presented on Outsourced, providing an overview of the TV show, clips, and some background information, including that Outsourced is the longest running show to date that has multiple South Asians as major characters.  With over two million South Asians (from India, Pakistani, and other countries abutting the subcontinent) in America, I wonder why the first popular show about South Asians on American TV is set in India.  Also, although the actors are North American or British, they must adopt Indian accents for their roles as call center employees being managed by an Anglo-American boss.  The show is made in America, stars many American actors, and is in many ways about America, or at least the stereotype of the "ugly American" abroad.  Why, then, doesn't it have any representations of South Asians in America?"
  • ""I thought it was riveting; it was dogtastic," said sophomore Galen Hench, who attended the lecture. "Seriously though, I thought it was really interesting, and I learned a lot."

    "It was an interesting take on a complicated subject," said junior Sam Berry. "It was broken down to simple ideas we can relate to, with a bit of humor tossed in.""


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