"In the mid-90's a friend and I became fascinated by the "Christian adventure game" (similar to a roleplaying game) called DragonRaid, published by Adventures in Christ. (Details can be found at the DragonRaid website.) We never managed to actually play it, largely because we were living in different countries, but we made characters, read through the initial adventure, and discussed it at length by email.
I have been thinking about DragonRaid lately in the context of the Slacktivist and Slacktiverse discussions on proselytization. DragonRaid is not billed as a proselytization tool, but it is meant to educate young Christians in their faith and morality, a similar motive. Its differences from secular roleplaying games are striking, and can illuminate fundamentalist Christian attitudes toward fiction, roleplaying, and moral learning. -
A handy guide should you decide to abandon all integrity and parlay a sketchy knowledge of physics vocabulary into a publishing empire.
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At a town hall Tuesday, President Obama answered a few of the thousands of questions posed by Twitter users in the past week. Below, the percent of recent questions asked by Twitter users, and White House journalists, that mention selected topics.
The years-long wait that makes the release of the fifth volume in the Song of Ice and Fire series so exciting can work against some fans of the books, though. It's been over five years since we've visited Westeros and the lands beyond, and longer still since we've checked in with other characters that promise an appearance in A Dance With Dragons. One would need to reread the series just to remember what all the characters are up to!
For some, there's not enough time to accomplish that, so we've put together a handy refresher as to where all the major characters are as of the end of A Feast For Crows!
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