Links for 2011-07-07


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Evil and Riddles: The Grey King | I don't need to re-read this, really I don't. And yet... (tags: books sf review blogs tor nostalgia literature) Cheryl's Mewsings » Blog Archive » Anthologies: Some Data "On Saturday I mentioned that I had been sent some data about gender splits in…
The world of fantasy genre fiction is finally happy this week. An incredibly long-awaited event has finally taken place. George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons, fifth book in the epic A Song of Ice and Fire series has finally been published. With over five years since the last one, with much…
Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 5 (2009): Lauren E. Kost, Steven J. Pollock, and Noah D. Finkelstein - Characterizing the gender gap... "Binned by quintiles, we observe that males and females with similar pretest scores do not have significantly different post-test scores (p>0.2) . The post-…
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator: Make Your Own Palin Baby Name "Chad Orzel, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Bush Gator Palin" (tags: politics US internet silly) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / A Chance to Show Off: the first line game "Not long after I…