Talk Shows vs. The Truth

Katie Couric riled up the internet last week with her uncritical promotion of anti-vaccine viewpoints on her talk show. It was certainly a twist in the professional narrative of a woman who has undergone televised colonoscopy and mammography to promote cancer awareness. That awareness should have been front-and-center in her discussion of HPV vaccines as well, since HPV infection can lead to cancers of anywhere people put their genitals. Instead, Couric featured two mothers convinced that HPV vaccines had caused death and injury, respectively, to their daughters. On Respectful Insolence, Orac writes "the entire segment was structured as a 'he said, she said' tour de force of false 'balance,'" with anecdotal tragedies playing offense against hard science and common sense. On Aetiology, Tara Smith criticizes one of the show's "experts" who claimed that Pap smears obviate the need for HPV vaccination. Tara writes, "This, frankly, is hogwash. Even with emphasis on screening, here in the U.S. we have 12,000 cases and 4,000 deaths from cervical cancer alone each year." Now Couric has issued a guarded apology for the episode, but still refuses to acknowledge what is scientifically undisputed. Vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix are safe; they prevent a sexually transmitted disease; and they prevent cancers that can result from that disease. Meanwhile talk shows like Katie must Ozzify their medical science in order to attract and entertain an audience.

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First let me remind you that I've written extensively about HPV infection, cervical cancer, and Gardasil, the vaccine to prevent these. The links are at the bottom of the post for your reference. OK, here's the deal. A bloggy friend of mine is dealing with some serious health concerns due to HPV…

A half-apology is better than none at all, but the damage is already done and it will take more than that to fix this.

So here's a modest proposal for "more than that."

Let's demand that Couric do a segment on the measles and pertussis outbreaks that have resulted from anti-vax conspiracy bull----. Interview parents whose kids got horribly sick or died from vaccine-preventable diseases. Get Wakefield on camera for "the other side of the issue," but then follow up by describing how his paper was yanked and his medical licenses were revoked, which will have the effect of trashing his cred.

What do y'all think about that?

If you like it, pass it along to Orac.