Too busy to breathe, sleep, .... or blog, apparently.

Well. It certainly was not my intention to go more than a week without blogging, particularly with all that's been going on around here lately. I'm ok. I'm coping. I'm still micro-managing everything way too much (out of necessity, unfortunately). But on top of that, I've just been too damn busy to do much beyond the bare necessities.

Getting sick---twice---certainly didn't help things.

Nor did the business trip which took up much of the week.

Nor did the (seriously) day o' meetings, and when I say day o' meetings, I mean DAY o' meetings, as in ENTIRE DAY o' meetings. Yeeesh.

And this week? Not much better. Oh yes, this week we have 2 days o' meetings, and some deadlines, and the business trip means I'm starting out the week behind already. And some student crises are awaiting me too. Good times.

But I have had some restorative things going on, too, which has helped my psyche and my mental/emotional health immensely. Getting off campus for said trip, for instance---that really could not have come at a better time. Getting the chance to catch up with some old and dear friends. And these business trips---well, they always help me feel smart. Because I'm hanging out with people who *think* I'm smart, and *they're* really smart, and they make me *feel* smart too, and we're doing smart things that help me think about my work in new and fresh and exciting ways.

So I guess that's something.

Now I just need to catch up on my serious sleep deficit.....

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I could have written this post. Seriously. Hope things get better for both of us in the weeks ahead.

I know that such a non-specific comment sounds like comment spam, and you might think I'm just missing a link. But really it just means that I appreciated reading that, and since noone else is commenting, I wanted to let you know that you've got people reading!