
Maybe I shouldn't bring this up, since the last couple of lectures in my physiology class have been a swift overview of brain organization and function, and my students probably think I have sounded exactly like Pinky and the Brain singing about neuroanatomy. Only less entertaining. And at a ridiculous hour of the morning. (via Mind Hacks)
You wouldn't believe how much hate mail I got from posting a little link to Mel Gibson's Passion with a different soundtrack…but maybe Chris Clarke can take some of the heat now.
One last picture and then that will probably be it for me today (too much to catch up on!) I mentioned here the ugliest childhood picture ever. Joseph over at Immunoblogging decided to call me out and double/triple/quadruple dare me to post the pic. Be warned: not every kid in glasses is cute. I don't have a scanner handy, so I took a picture of the picture with my digital camera. I ain't responsible for broken monitors and the like that may result...
What is it about the Avian flu that seems to inspire all sorts of wild craziness? Yes, the avian flu has the potential to be a big problem in humans (but is not one yet--so far its main lethal affect has been in birds). Yes, if it ever acquired the ability to be transmitted from person to person, rather than only from bird to human, it could cause a pandemic as nasty as the 1918 influenza pandemic, but, as far as can be determined, it has not acquired such an ability yet. Nonetheless, the avian flu inspires a lot more kookiness than more likely threats, such as the return or emergence of a…
Atheists will not be mocked, and I expect much fury in response to this disrespectful joke.
His Noodliness walks (or flies) among us, and here's the evidence. Hey, it's better than any "evidence" that I've seen supporting the existence of UFO's or ghosts.
For a humorous take on the David Irving verdict, go here. The Photoshopped picture and caption are priceless.
Noah's Publisher
Cool. The Definitive Frink. This is going to be so useful for the researching and the webulating and the hu-uumm-hey, glayvin. (via Recursivity)
It's an amusing clip from The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra…I'm going to have to see that movie someday.
It's just a photo set of pictures of quail, but I noticed that my right forefinger reflexively twitched at the photo of the Republican lawyer in the middle of them. There may be a neurological explanation for Cheney's shotgun error, after all.
A bit of a reconfiguration and "clarification" of the ethics rules and rules regarding accepting honoraria for faculty at my institution makes me particularly appreciate this piece in--where else?--The Onion: Senate Ethics Committee To Meet In New Ethics Committee Mansion WASHINGTON, DC--In the wake of several major lobbying scandals, the Senate Select Committee on Ethics announced Tuesday that it will hold a special series of intensive sessions inside its recently completed 200-room Ethics Mansion. "In this time of rampant corruption, it is essential that we have a sufficiently lavish…
Dr Beckinsale visits the Discovery Institute I saw the movie Underworld: Evolution last night. Stop looking at me like that—it was research. It has the word "evolution" in the title, doesn't it? Besides, I have this idea to improve the promotion of science by having all of our spokespeople be dangerously nubile armed women with good cheekbones, full lips, and very sharp teeth. I figure the two things we've been lacking in our presentations to the public are lust and fear, and if we can just bring those into play, we'll have an unbeatable combination. As I learned at this movie, too, if you've…
The Pain has the inevitable result. (Link to Jack Chick's "Big Daddy," for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure, here.)
A while back, I asked if Watterson ever did squid. I was informed by Philip Johnson (no, not that Phillip Johnson—this is the one who has not dedicated the declining years of his life to stupidity and evil) that a marvelous thing exists…The Calvin and Hobbes searchable database. You can search an archive of Calvin & Hobbes cartoons by keyword! Sometimes I do love the internets. He does reference squid a few times (Calvin has a squid eyeball sandwich one day, for instance), but he doesn't draw them. There are two cartoons with Calvin as an octopus, though.
That was my first thought when I read this entry, but then I noticed that the clotted, precious style didn't quite fit. My next though was a horrific one: Lileks is guest posting on Creek Running North? Say it isn't so! It's bad enough that he's there every time I open the Star Tribune! Ah, but no, fortunately it's just a pitch-perfect satire. If you don't like Lileks' cutesie dribblings, you must read this. For those wondering who the heck Lileks is, he's a columnist for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, famous for two qualities: 1) he's one of those pissed-pants conservatives who totally lost…
This has got to be a spoof site, but then I would have had to think Rapture Ready was a joke, too. Anyway, when the Rapture comes and you are ascended into heaven, you need to make sure your beloved pets are cared for, so the JesusPets service is recruiting non-Christians to take care of pets during the Tribulation or whatever. It's a bit bizarre. One thing they have to make sure of is that the godless atheist isn't signing up just so he can get his hands on Mr Tinkles to rape and eat, so we have to sign a promise that we aren't just scheming to ravish everyone's abandoned pets. Make hard CA$…
This looks wonderful: a new biology book that would fit right in with the course I'm teaching. The students might find the exams much easier, but they're going to be freaked out to discover that their bodies are covered with Gay Glands.
Note: Inspired by the Terri Schiavo situation, I rewrote the basic template for a living will from one that was emailed to me by a reader, R (thanks!). This was then nominated for a 2005 Koufax Award for "Most Humorous Individual Post". This essay was first published on 2 April 2005 on my original site under the same title. Date: 2 April 2005 Living Will of GrrlScientist, (also known as Hedwig the Owl in some parts of the blogosphere), [address elided], NY, NY, 10024. I, GrrlScientist (also known as Hedwig the Owl), being of sound mind and body, unequivocally and publically declare that in…