
Alright, people, I'm gonna get tough. You know what I want, and you'd better give it to me. I've got a bible here, and a 44oz. Diet Coke…lots of liquid containing a diuretic, to boot. In about an hour, I figure my bladder is going to be pretty full. You know what could happen. I don't need information from you, and I sure don't want your money. This is a weblog, and the currency here in these parts is the link, the trackback, the comment. Fork 'em over, or I'm taking this Bible down the hall. You know I'd do it. I'm a godless atheist—I don't think your Bible means doodley-squat. Intimidated…
I couldn't believe it myself when Gonzales said Washington and Lincoln had authorized electronic surveillance, but now we have a corroborative account that shows that Washington did authorize grand electrical schemes. Remember, he had the assistance of Franklin, so it isn't that implausible, is it? Washington got his warrantless electic surveilance. And though the resulting confligration left 233 people dead, and the Barbary pirates avoided detection, a vital precedent was set. Nobody could tell the President to do diddly squat. He was the President, after all. This would come in handly four…
So, I watched the SuperBowl last night (mandatory, I think, 'cause Ben Roethlisberger's from my tiny little hometown) and saw this FedEx commercial, which has humans living amongst T. rexes and pterodactyls. Can't wait to see this posted on Answers in Genesis as more proof that people are increasingly being swayed to the "truth" of their message--and during the biggest television event of the year, no less! They're probably being showered with donations to their Creation museum even as I write.
If these don't keep you entertained, feel free to talk about anything else. If God is the designer, let's hope he has a backup career plan A claymation granny explains photosynthesis Squid-headed toys! The FAQ the Discovery Institute ought to use Unusual cards The ORIGINAL Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products Kansans have a sense of humor about this movie
If you can only read one thing today, make it Skeptico's answers to Why did the chicken cross the road? It's dead-on funny—read the hypothetical answers from all the skeptics and loons like John Edward and O'Reilly and Icke and many others, which are just perfect—I'm stealing Behe's answer! A chicken crossing a road has: eyes legs a road the other side If any one of those irreducibly complex parts is missing the chicken will be unable to cross the road, so if it looks, walks (across roads) and clucks like a chicken, then, absent compelling evidence to the contrary, it's an intelligently…
Would you believe Rick Moranis?
Oh man, Answers in Genesis shills to the most amusing people. I subscribe to their newsletter--partly to keep tabs on what they're up to, partly for the entertainment value. They must sell their mailing list, because yesterday in the mail I received the most amusing brochure. It proclaims, "Students are risk! Adults at risk!", asking "What's influencing you and your family? Discover how to reject the influence of secular thinking for Biblical truth." Meanwhile, it asks, "Can you, your student, or grandchild refute the humanist worldview of Professor Smith [heh] and our culture?" Of…
This will blow your mind.
(Subtitle: There is no spoon...) Oh, those crazy Aussies. What will they think of next? The case of the disappearing teaspoons: longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons in an Australian research institute Objectives To determine the overall rate of loss of workplace teaspoons and whether attrition and displacement are correlated with the relative value of the teaspoons or type of tearoom. Design Longitudinal cohort study. Setting Research institute employing about 140 people. Subjects 70 discreetly numbered teaspoons placed in tearooms around the institute and observed…
This just isn't right. First Ezra Klein subs for Wonkette, and now Glenn Reynolds…why not PZ Myers? Am I too pervy for them? Or was it the lack of wonk?
I am so going to hell for linking to this. If you love Jesus, don't click on that. (via Stupid Evil Bastard)
Since Thursday, Wiley has been running a series ofstrips mockingbloggers. I'm beginning to feel opressed.
It's true—Ken Ham has a whole team of expert fabricators working for him. We knew that all along, of course.
When she's not making up stories about me, I've dragged Grrlscientist out to do some traditional midwestern things…like bowling. She has an interesting style—the fling-and-butt-flop, caught here on camera. You can see the position of the ball. It doesn't look like a strike to me. I do have more photos.
That is not my picture, I'll have you know, and although last night's party was lightly attended, it was quite pleasant, with plenty of food and good conversation, and it went on until midnight. I had no idea how louche Grrlscientist was, though…I should have gotten a photo of her dancing on the table with the lampshade on her head, but I figured it would be breaking her anonymity to publish it.
PZ is broken hearted, no one is attending his party. How can people be so cruel? But I think that I am worth at least five guests because I traveled more than 1,000 miles to be here (and I would travel farther than that if I had to), whereas the rest of his guests would only have to travel a few blocks. (Shhh! don't tell him that I took his picture and posted it here .. he's a little bit upset at the moment). . tags: silliness
We learn something about the designer below the fold… Read the whole thing, though, for the sad conclusion—the "big tent" of Intelligent Design has some limits.
At least he didn't reveal my secret identity as mild-mannered biologist, Dr PZ Myers.
Artwork by Plognark, available at CafePress (link on the site). While you're there, bug him to get his evolution primer finished.
Dodos, rabbit poop, Mt. Rushmore and poker .. what more could you ask for than to make sense of the controversy regarding the teaching of so-called "intelligent design" versus evolution in science classrooms. To this end, the artistic community has teamed up with scientists to produce a film that explores strategies used by proponents of so-called "Intellegent Design" to confuse and mislead the general public about evolution. Advance screenings; February 2 - KANSAS 730pm, Glenwood Arts Theater, call 913.642.4404 for tickets. February 6 - HARVARD 700pm Geology Lecture Hall February 10 -…