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Survival Blog for Scientists û Blog Archive û Giving your new results away too soon "[W]here do you announce your results first: in the title? In the abstract? In the introduction? Or, in the results paragraph?" All three of those, plus the Conclusion. (tags: academia writing science journals) Tolerant Faculty, Intolerant Students :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs "Thirty-one percent of students said it was somewhat or very important to them that instructors not challenge their personal beliefs." (tags: academia education politics society US)…
slacktivist: Saddleback "The Democratic senator wasn't there to try to win evangelical votes by touting his support for abortion rights. Nor was he there hoping to persuade them to change their minds on that question. What he did instead was this: He disagreed with them." (tags: politics US society religion) Physics Today Campaign 2008 - Where do they stand on science? "This Physics Today site will track the candidates' positions and statements related to a broad range of science issues. Analysis from Physics Today magazine, reports from the political writers at the American Institute of…
College cocktails lead to science career ""I could mix drinks without measuring," Sacchettini recalls. "Turns out that was perfect training for biochemistry."" (tags: academia biology chemistry medicine science jobs drugs) Musical Perceptions: Can't even win a dull contest We're #2... on the list of dullest college towns in America... (tags: academia silly) Built on Facts : What Work Is. Force times distance. (tags: physics education science sports) Piling on the homework -- Does it work for everyone? "While past studies suggest that nearly all students benefit from being assigned more…
nanoscale views: Cryptophysicists "I think that we need to coin an official term, "cryptophysicist", to describe people who do physics research outside the mainstream." Hey to "Uncle Al." (tags: science physics stupid blogs) Built on Facts : Temperature of a Microwave What is the temperature when you nuke food? Does the question even make sense? (tags: physics science food blogs) Study examines the psychology behind students who don't cheat "The study of students at one Ohio university found that students who scored high on measures of courage, empathy and honesty were less likely than…
Five Secrets to Publishing Success :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs Not so much for the scientists, but a good look at the process for the humanities. (tags: publishing journals humanities social-science academia) If One Professor Gropes, Does Everyone Need Training? :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs Yes. (tags: academia gender politics stupid) FemaleScienceProfessor: FSP's Guide to Academic Etiquette "24. DonâÂÂt make faculty meetings last longer than necessary unless you have something really important to…
Green-Clad Olympic Archer Steals Gold Medals From Rich, Gives Them To Poor | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Since entering China last month by using a forged Sherwood Forest passport under the name Robert Huntingdon, the archer has appeared at more than 70 medal ceremonies, escaping with the gold every time." (tags: silly internet sports) U.S. Charioteer Breaks 2,500-Year-Old Chariot-Race Record Set By Perseus | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "American charioteer Hank Fowler shocked those gathered in the Beijing Hippodrome Wednesday by breaking the four-horse chariot…
Michael Nielsen û Why the world needs quantum mechanics A very nice, detailed, and most importantly, accessible explanation of Bell's theorem. Needs more dogs, though. (tags: physics quantum science blogs) The Quantum Pontiff : When Two Zeros Are Not Zero: The Strange Lives of Quantum Cell Phones "There exist quantum channels that, when you use them individually have zero capacity for transmitting quantum information, but when you use them together have a nonzero capacity for transmitting quantum information." (tags: physics quantum computing theory science) Intl. Blog Against Racism…
Museum Review - At the Insectarium, Getting Down With All That Skitters, Buzzes or Crawls - Review - "In the new $25 million Audubon Insectarium, which opened here in June, you can watch Formosan termites eat through a wooden skyline of New Orleans..., stick your head into a transparent dome in a kitchen closet swarming with giant cockroaches and watch dung beetles plow their way through a mound of waste. " (tags: animals biology science museums) Phantom Diner Appears Only To Those In Their Drunkest Hour | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Rochester's phantom diner is…
Temporally Controlled Modulation of Antihydrogen Production and the Temperature Scaling of Antiproton-Positron Recombination "Our observations have established a pulsed source of atomic antimatter, with a rise time of about 1 s, and a pulse length ranging from 3 to 100 s. " (tags: physics science particles experiment articles) Hidden Variable Models for Quantum Theory Cannot Have Any Local Part "In this Letter, we consider general hidden variable models which can have both local and nonlocal parts. We show the existence of (experimentally verifiable) quantum correlations that are…
UKTV: About UKTV: The world's ten oldest jokes "Modern puns, Essex girl jokes and toilet humour can all be traced back to the very earliest jokes identified in this research." (tags: silly history) TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect "[D]id any other random black people who like Barack Obama say something that offended you today?" (tags: politics race US stupid) Favre: I've Always Had A Passion For Stopping Things, Then Starting To Do Things Again | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "I guess you could say I'm a guy who quits, then realizes I don't know the meaning of the word…
Cassini instrument confirms liquid surface lake on Titan '"We can see there's a shelf, a beach, that is being exposed as the lake evaporates," Brown said.' (tags: astronomy science planets news space) Prelude to the Higgs: A work for 2 bosons in the key of Z "The properties of the ZZ diboson make its discovery an essential prelude to finding or excluding the Higgs boson at the Tevatron." (tags: physics particles experiment science news) Dynamics of Cats : Physics Made Magical "Electromagnetism is Snape. You must master E&M, but so many have irrational fear or hatred of it." (tags:…
The Nature of Glass Remains Anything but Clear - "David A. Weitz, a physics professor at Harvard, joked, "There are more theories of the glass transition than there are theorists who propose them."" (tags: physics materials science) Medium Large It's back! Maybe the best Web comic going. (tags: comics internet silly) Game Over: Scrabulous Shut Down on Facebook - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog What am I going to use for procrastination now? (tags: internet games stupid law) Laser beams are entangled in space - "[P]hysicists created two entangled…
The Font Sizes of the Planets | Orbiting Frog The Solar System as a Wordle. You can get it on a T-shirt, too. (tags: astronomy planets science silly) Confessions of a Community College Dean: Thoughts on Service "[T]he path of least resistance is lip service to service, with a tacit understanding that we don't really mean it." (tags: academia education) WEIRD TALES: magazine of the gothic, fantastic & bizarre » Blog Archive » Weird Tales writing contest! "Write a flash-fiction story -- under 500 words -- based on a spam you've received." (tags: writing SF internet silly) The…
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Blog As you would expect, they have cool pictures. via Steinn. (tags: astronomy space science blogs) Freezing images in an atomic vapor! « Skulls in the Stars An introduction to Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and how to use it to store information. (tags: physics quantum optics experiment science news blogs) Crimes and Misdemeanors - By Emily Bazelon, Kara Hadge, Dahlia Lithwick, and Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine An interactive Venn diagram of Bush administration scandals (tags: politics history law US)
Marilyn Manson Now Going Door-To-Door Trying To Shock People | The Onion - America's Finest News Source A classic, having no relevance whatsoever to recent events. (tags: silly internet music) Setshot: Basketball for the Aging and Infirm: Women's basketball star returns to action--at 50! " Lieberman has taken old lady hoops to the next level. Whether you care about women's basketball or not, this story is an inspiration." (tags: sports basketball blogs) What obligation? Maximise what? -- Crooked Timber "I have a real bee in my bonnet about the claim made by Richard Posner that " The…
Study: No gender differences in math performance "Whether they looked at average performance, the scores of the most gifted children or students' ability to solve complex math problems, girls measured up to boys." (tags: gender math education social-science news society) Kids Say The Darndest Things To Evil Spirits | The A.V. Club "[T]here comes a point when we as a society have to ask ourselves where we went wrong. Why do our movie-children insist on being conduits for evil?" (tags: movies silly) Backreaction: Liquid Helium A tribute in honor of the 100th anniversary of the…
A Priest Walks Into Qatar and . . . - "Talking with Americans about faith and religion... is like having coffee with Forrest Gump: pleasant enough, but not of much substance." (tags: religion politics society culture academia education) How are we coming on Phoenix mission success? - The Planetary Society Blog | The Planetary Society Pretty darn well, actually. (tags: astronomy planets space science blogs mars)
'Theology in Life' :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs "Benedictine's new "Theology in Life" certificate program includes one class each in the theology of freedom, justice, love, and science, respectively. Majors will go on to take upper-level courses in areas including sacramental theology, the New Te (tags: academia religion humanities social-science science education) Brigham And Women's Hospital - Press Releases "researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) designed a pre-clinical course for Harvard Medical School students to enhance their…
Mary Catelli's Erraticly Updated and Exceedingly Ill-Organized Journal - Religion and World-Building Notes for people thinking about inventing a religion for a fantasy story. (tags: SF religion writing history humanities culture) How to blog, get tenure and prosper: Starting the blog | john hawks weblog Part one of four, from a recently-tenured academic who knows. (tags: blogs academia jobs internet culture society) Bloggasm » The ethics of hate mail: Should bloggers post email correspondence without permission? The connection between "Crackergate" and William "Sheethead" Sanders. You…
Measurement of the Casimir Force between a Gold Sphere and a Silicon Surface with Nanoscale Trench Arrays "We report measurements of the Casimir force between a gold sphere and a silicon surface with an array of nanoscale, rectangular corrugations using a micromechanical torsional oscillator." (tags: physics quantum science experiment precision-measurement articles) Feedback Cooling of the Normal Modes of a Massive Electromechanical System to Submillikelvin Temperature "he same technique, implemented in a dedicated experiment at subkelvin bath temperature and with a quantum limited SQUID,…