streaming videos

tags: please impeach me, impeach Bush, Iraq war, streaming video I managed to sneak in to my local watering hole tonight where they have free wifi, so I could share this video with you. In this streaming video, Bush begs Americans for a chance to atone on for his sins on the 4th anniversary of the Iraq "cakewalk," in a satirical rendition of "Please Release Me" by Jim Terr. Yeah, it's a little bit graphic at the end, but so is Bush's tenure [2:36]. Okay, it's time for me to go home to my little birdnest in Manhattan, where I do not have wifi or any other internet access at all, bummer.
tags: cat, pets, vacuum, streaming video Okay, this is truly strange .. have you ever met a housecat that tolerates even being in the same room with a vacuum? Well, this cat not only remains in the same room but she even allows her owner to vacuum her! [1:19].
tags: Bill Maher, French dissing, politics, streaming video This hilarious streaming video of Bill Maher discusses the bad habit that American conservatives have for dissing anything that is "French" -- especially their health care system, which is the best in the industrialized world, which means that America should steal it from them [3:47].
tags: Keith Olbermann, political opinion, streaming video Everyone in our government has failed the American people and ignored their demand to extricate us from this war based on lies. [Keith Olbermann 7:52]
tags: insects, hive mind, Insect Warrior, streaming video This streaming video is a mini-documentary showing how humanity appears to be headed towards the hive-mind of the social insects. Is this really what we want to become? [3:39].
tags: history, middle east, streaming video This streaming video gives a brief overview of the situation in the Middle East, and why we are there now, fighting our former allies. [3:03].
tags: humor, class warfare, streaming video This is a bit of British-style humor to get you started on your work day, starring David Letterman. [1:58].
tags: mimic octopus, sea snake, streaming video This streaming video shows you a mini-octopus imitating a sea snake. [0:50].
tags: Harry Potter, humor, satire, streaming video Okay, for the record, I think this streaming video is silly, but you might enjoy it [2:06]
tags: humor, satire, An Inconvenient Truth, streaming video According to the latest streaming news on global warming, children are the greatest enemies of our environment [1:19]
tags: cell, molecular biology, cell biology, streaming video This streaming video shows a small number of the millions of amazing things that are happening within cells and also between cells millions of times every day [3:09].
tags: NASA, lunar exploration, space, streaming video This streaming video makes NASA's lunar exploration look like a world premier of a really cool movie. Too bad they don't have the vision and leadership that is required to make a really cool movie .. and too bad putting a few dozen white tanks on the surface of the moon isn't as cheap as making a really cool movie -- they apparently want $100 billion to do it. But the trailer is inspirational. [2:01].
tags: superduperfriends, parody, humor, streaming video This streaming political parody of the Challenge of the Superfriends is something I think you will enjoy watching [1:04].
tags: politics, streaming video For those of you who missed this the first time around, I thought I'd share this with you now. It made me laugh!
tags: high-voltage line repairman, unusual jobs, streaming video This streaming video gives a brief glimpse into the life of a high-voltage wire repairman -- only half a million volts pass over this man's body during the course of his workday! What an amazing job to have [3:18]
tags: shark, octopus, streaming video This video, courtesy of the Seattle Aquarium, shows what happened after the keepers moved a giant octopus into an aquarium containing five-foot sharks. In short; octopus and sharks do not get along with each other [2:02] Giant octopus vs shark
tags: advertisement, bird, parrot, streaming video I normally pass up streaming videos that are advertisements, but this one is so cute that I had to break precident and share it with you. This ad was a commercial for Budweiser beer during the 2006 SuperBowl game. But before you view it, let it be known that I hate Budweiser beer, but they do have some wonderful ad writers working for them [0:29].
tags: war profiteering, KBR, politics, streaming video Ninety-nine dollars to wash a bag of laundry?? That's what it costs a soldier to get his laundry done for him -- because he is not allowed to do it for himself. This war is just one huge mess .. when will this country ever leave Iraq? After KBR and Halliburton have bankrupted the USA? Progressive film director Robert Greenwald was scheduled to testify at a hearing on Thursday, 10 May about war profiteering. He requested to show a few minutes from one of his films, Iraq for Sale, but Republicans refused him. This is what Congress will not…
tags: snail, bird, parasite, streaming video This streaming video describes the life cycle of parasite worms that infect both snails and birds. Basically, these worms control their snail host's brain and thereby alter the snail's behavior such that it enhances the chances that it will spread the worm's eggs into a wild bird, its next host [1:21].
tags: bird of paradise, birds, streaming video This streaming video shows the courtship behavior of several species of birds of paradise. From BBC's Planet Earth series [1:55].