Tom Levenson Fan Boi Day: Hear Him With Ira Flatow On ScienceFriday

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Just a quick note to dial up Ira Flatow's Science Friday show on NPR today at 3 pm EDT. Supporting information and the archived show can be found here.

Guy-who-I-would-kill-to-be, Tom Levenson, will be on with Ira to speak about his new book, Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World's Greatest Scientist.

Here is also a link to other appearances Professor Levenson will be having related to the book.

For those of you who don't know Thomas Levenson, he is currently a Professor, Interim Program Head, and Director of the Graduate Program in Science Writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But he is much, much more than that:

Professor Levenson is the winner of the Peabody Award (shared), New York Chapter Emmy, and the AAAS/Westinghouse award. His articles and reviews have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Boston Globe, Discover, The Sciences. Winner of the 2005 National Academies Communications Award for Origins.

Among his lesser known honors, Dr Levenson's essay, Chateau D'Yquem: Because It's There, was selected to appear as a Friday Fermentable feature at the Terra Sigillata science blog. And, in all seriousness, Tom writes his own always-excellent musings at The Inverse Square Blog.

Finally, there is no other reason for the following photograph other than my pitiful need to associate with extremely accomplished writers:

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Figure 1. Thomas Levenson (left), author of Newton and The Counterfeiter and Rebecca Skloot (right), author of the upcoming book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, flank a random science blogger moments before his head explodes from excitement at ScienceOnline'09.

Go forth and listen to Levenson at 3 pm EDT on Science Friday and buy his book. In fact, buy several copies and give them to friends.

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Actually, I think Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver trilogy will be my impetus to go out and get Tom's book, which I assume I will be able to finish.

I got to meet Tom at SciOnline---nice guy.

Oh, crud... I download Science Friday every Friday evening to listen to during the weekend (like when I am pruning roses and weeding the flower beds). I loved the Newton as reformer of currency bit, but I was not inclined to read the book until I stumbled on your blog!

(I'm an Oracian, doncha know?... but I do love wandering over here cause you are always interesting when I am avoiding homework).