At home wasting time ...

(I wish)

I though I could spend a day or too relaxing ... but it seems like I can't do it. Today was spent cleaning the apartment in preparation for a family visit down from Montreal.

We're actually meeting up with my parents, brother, aunt and cousins in Burlington Vermont for some skiing (thank FSM for the recent snowfall in northern New England!). We'll be leaving in about an hour or so.

But while I was cleaning I was redesigning our humble Boston Book club blog and trying to give it a nice new style (what do you think?).

Yes we have a bookclub in up here. It's a great excuse to get together, eat, drink and shoot the breeze (in fact some of the bookclubbers have suggested that we rename the club food orgy club ...)

(And don't worry about Map that Campus, although I was delinquent last week, I'm writing one up right now and it'll be posted tomorrow ...)

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RE the book club blog: the first thing I noticed is that it does not resize itself to my browser, it expects a certain width which is wider than what I have set (because I want two browser windows open on my desktop)

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 29 Dec 2006 #permalink