Do the survey dude....

i-75fa6f7cebb4145668724f37f5a52b36-steve_icon_medium.jpg ScienceBlogs wants your help... and is willing to pay. Well sorta... they're giving away some ipod type goodies to some people who complete a short survey. Here's the schtick:

Dear Reader,

We launched Seed and ScienceBlogs because we believe that science can change the world and science literacy is how we get there. In the pages of our magazine we've tried to capture the ideas and issues fueling this cultural shift. Online we've aimed to foster a lively and spirited conversation about where it's all heading.

Now, we invite you to share with us directly your perspective on the state of science, and your opinion on how we can improve our own efforts to raise science literacy. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

As a special "thank you" for participating you will be eligible to enter for a chance to win a suite of Apple products: an iPhone 3G, a MacBook Air and a 40GB Apple TV.

On behalf of our writers, bloggers, correspondents, designers, photographers, producers, and editors around the world, thank you for your impassioned support and for making the time to complete this survey.

Please press the "Start Survey" button to begin the survey.

Very truly yours,

Adam Bly

Hook Adam up and head over there :)

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Dear Reader, We launched Seed and ScienceBlogs because we believe that science can change the world and science literacy is how we get there. In the pages of our magazine we've tried to capture the ideas and issues fueling this cultural shift. Online we've aimed to foster a lively and spirited…
The people at Seed Media Group have designed a survey for the readers of ScienceBlogs in an effort to learn more about what you think we can do to raise science literacy. The survey should take roughly 20 minutes and they anticipate several thousand responses. As a small reward for your time, Seed…
I know that a couple of you have completed Seed Media's ScienceBlogs Reader Survey, but they need to hear from more of you. The linked survey takes only twenty minutes of your life to complete, and everyone (except me, boo!) who completes the survey will be added to a drawing for prizes: an iPhone…
Our Seed Overlords have bling to give away. All you have to do is take a survey and they might give you an iPhone 3G, a MacBook Air and a 40GB Apple TV. Keep the Air and give me the rest if you win. Don't tell the Overlords though. They might make me give it back. C'mon. The odds are much better…

The survey is closed.

That was quick.

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 12 Aug 2008 #permalink

If the science blogs were not becoming the atheism blogs, they would do better.

Zimmer was right to get out of this farce.

Even the science that there is, ain't that great; most people would be better off just perusing a standard textbook on any science subject.

Who ya kiddin!

By Emanuel Goldstein (not verified) on 17 Aug 2008 #permalink