An Exciting Announcement about the You CAN Do the Rubik's cube compeition

There is still lots of time to enter your team into the You CAN do the Rubik's cube competition and start practicing for the USA Science and Engineering Festival's competition this fall. Check out the video below about a recent You CAN do the Rubik's cube competition at the San Diego Science Festival. Pretty amazing watching those kids solve the puzzles!

BUT we have an exciting announcement about the competition at the USA Science and Engineering Festival ...are you ready? Dr.Rubik, the inventor of the Rubik's cube, IS COMING TO THE FESTIVAL FOR HIS FIRST PUBLIC APPEARANCE AT A STUDENT COMPETITION IN MORE THAN TWO DECADES!!! You CAN Do the Rubik's Cube winners will receive their awards from Rubik!! Read more about it here.

So, if you are in: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. or West Virginia, get signed up and start practicing!

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Thing gonna so beautiful some times...
In my school also e have tournaments like this and i always takes part in the competition to win the event cause i need scholarship so it's like help to me. thanks for posting such a good ideas and discover the science.