NC Science Festival--Satellite Festival


The NC Science Festival will bring together more than 100 science-related events Sept. 11-26. Through science talks, hands-on activities, tours, performances and exhibits, North Carolina's science community will be on display to engage and inspire a new generation of scientists.

How will we engage our state in science? By showing citizens of our state science that is...

Diverse. Life is your lab...from age two to 122! Events on our festival schedule reflect the interests of all ages. Kids will get hands-on learning experiences, and adults will dive deep into current science topics with experts. From nature hikes to story hours to the science behind auto racing - there will be something for everyone!

Local. Science is happening everywhere in North Carolina - all the time! Much of the Festival schedule is comprised of science events that happen regularly throughout the state. Hometown breweries, municipal parks and local libraries have all added homegrown North Carolina science events to the festival schedule.

Practical. We're focusing on the topics North Carolinians are curious about - renewable energy, health and wellness and our changing coastline are just a few. Science in North Carolina goes beyond laboratories and into topics that directly affect our state and its citizens.

Our focus on science won't end in September. Response to the North Carolina Science Festival has been so positive that we're planning to make the Festival an annual event!
Want to learn more about the NC Science Festival? Visit our website at> or follow us on Twitter (@ncscifest).

~~Denise Young
NC Science Festival

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