The Complete BBC Doc: A War On Science

Found this on Google Vids this morning. It features all the regulars in the discussion - Miller, Dawkins - but to me, this doc is valuable and distinct because it features David Attenborough opining on ID and the neocon's dismissal of science, a man who has, for the most part, kept his opinions about this sort of thing to himself over his long career.

As an aside, damn American broadcasting. This is the third doc that has been produced for the BBC that I've wanted to watch for a while and couldn't until it was released online (the other's were A Short History of Disbelief, which I never got to watch beyond the first two episodes, and Root of All Evil). I can guess at why they don't make it overseas, but I'd like to know for sure. Anyone have any idea?

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I contacted our local PBS station in Indianapolis, and learned that all three episodes of A Short History of Disbelief are going to be aired back to back on July 29th. No idea why it took so long, I am just happy I'll finally have the chance to watch the program!

By ctenotrish, FCD (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink

I'm working with a longtime public TV producer who bought the rights from the BBC to bring A Brief History of Disbelief to the States. It's playing across the country throughout the summer. You can find out when/where on this website.

If it's not playing on your local station, please contact them and let them know, respectfully, you'd like to see it. (Mention the program is being offered to public television stations everywhere by Executive Program Services.)

Yikes! I just consulted the broadcast calendar at the website, Scott, and it's playing over three Sunday nights on my local station (WNET, New York) - starting tonight! There's some good timing, I tell you what. Thanks!