All things being said, I bet Ultraman could beat the crap out of Chuck Norris

Yes, Ultraman or "Paul", our new intern could certainly stick it to Mr. Norris. Especially, if what PZ writes about Mr. Norris is true.

If you don't believe, then watch the movie below the fold, which has a friend of Paul, who goes by the name of Ultraman Taro doing some serious butt kicking. And get this - Taro is suppose to be the funny one!

Man, that Paul must be one bad dude!

Of course, this leads to the inevitable debate (possibly like before where the nuances of epistemology can be discussed) that queries - who exactly would win in a battle between Chuck Norris and Ultraman (er I mean, Paul, our intern)?

More like this

For the record: I could so destroy Chuck Norris. This I say regardless of whether he is wearing a cowboy hand or not (besides, my head gear is way cooler).

As well, not only do our fighting techniques represent opposite ends of the spectrum, so do our opinions on evolution. Of course, evolution is real - what a silly thing to debate (and I say this without a hint of irony, despite having to fight a dinosaur in my job interview).

Gotta get back to the puzzle - ciao!

So who makes the Godzilla-thing's nunchux?

No contest. Ultraman is the man. Bruce Lee vs Ultraman - now there's tough call.

Get back to work, Ultraman.


Yes, I mean it.

No, I'm not being sarcastic.

Yes, that's my foot on your ankle.

No, I won't get your shoes.

Yes, I'm finished.

No, you don't, I get the last word.