Damn You Again Dawkins

This time it's possible that it isn't really his fault. Dawkins is speaking here at the University of Virginia this Friday, on the rare day that I'm out of town at a conference. I could blame the History of Science Society, or the Society for Social Studies of Science. (See Janet's post too; get the HSS program here and the 4S program here.) But I'd still like to pin this on Dawkins himself. And since I assume he reads The World's Fair (4 out of 5 evolutionary theorists do, studies show) I'll leave it at that.

If anyone at U.Va. reads this too (don't have the comparable study to show that) go to the talk this Friday afternoon and tell me what people ask him afterwards.

And Richie D., hope you didn't miss these posts: here, here, and here.

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Clearly G-d does not want you to hear Dawkins speak. One can only wonder why.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 30 Oct 2006 #permalink