John Cage Guest Posts at The World's Fair

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The wild bird trade, which is where exotic birds are trapped in their natural habitats and shipped away for pets, has devastated many types of parrot species. Thankfully this practice is now illegal in much of the world, however many parrot species have the unfortunate luck as to live in countries…
Bora has been pushing the idea of publishing original research (hypotheses, data, etc) on science blogs. This post is part of a series exploring the evolution of a duplicated gene in the genus Drosophila. Links to the previous posts can be found below. Part 2 of this series (The Backstory) can…
Back in 2006 I took part in the 'ten birds' meme. If infected (do people normally speak of being 'infected' by memes?), you were supposed to write about ten birds that you found 'beautiful'. I decided to distort it slightly and make the birds the ten that I found most 'beautifully interesting'.…
Some time during the last several hours (while I was asleep), Tet Zoo reached the three million hits mark. Yes, three million hits in two years (Tet Zoo ver 2 was launched on Jan 31st 2007). A noble achievement, I'm sure you'll agree. Due to workload and assorted other commitments, I still don't…

i'm going to guess this is from his collection "Empty Words"

By slightlyfleury (not verified) on 14 May 2008 #permalink

No, Empty words was an earlier work. This one is from 1962 and is an altogether more complex work. It is "Two Long Paragraphs and a Short One. Imagine That!" It was later choreographed by Merce Cunningham and performed regularly by Marcel Marceau.

By Leboyfriend (not verified) on 14 May 2008 #permalink

OMGZ!!1! that is sooo clver! i just fell off my chair laughing at that very good joke you just made!!

By curlyfries (not verified) on 14 May 2008 #permalink

Thanks, curly! And we appreciate your undeniable respect for grammar and English composition!!

ROFL =snort= MAO =wheeze= I can't =gasp= stand it! Gimme some =choke= oxygen! =turns blue, passes out=

"I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry as I need it."

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 15 May 2008 #permalink