Fear, Obedience, and Republicans

A commentary, I think, on the public understanding of basic human decency. Or lack thereof.

Stewart on tyranny, poor memory, and potato day:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c
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John Stewart has done nothing but slam anything conservative and promote liberalism. I used to watch, then when Obama came in, instead of attacking the gaffs that Obama did as he did with bush, he still attacks conservatives. I don't watch stewart any more.

That's funny - problem - why shold Stewart bash Obama? Limbaugh, Bachman, Back and Hannity are so ridiculous that it would be idiotic NOT to pick on them. Stewart is however a liberal - so why should pick on someone with the same ideas? Because of balance of media? That's a stupid assumption - Comedy Central is not a news network and so as long as Stewart brings viewers he should pick on however brings the most laughs - which is in this case the weirdos on the right end. Has anyone seen Glenn Back's 9-12 project? This totally deserves to be ridiculed.