My Shot Glass Collection Groweth

Atlantis. The Loch Ness monster. The National Aquarium. What do these things have in common? They were only fabled to exist, until now! I know what you're thinking, "I've been to the National Aquarium in Baltimore... and I love tater tots and also was once attracted to a cousin." Well, you'd be dead-wrong about the aquarium thing! How is that? Well that's because I'm not talking about the National Aquarium in Baltimore, but the actual 'National Aquarium ' which is in DC. DUH!

And who do we have to thank for proof of existence of this fabled institution? None other than Linda Lombardi of Animals Behaving Badly who was kind enough to venture forth to the National Aquarium and procure me a shimmering shot glass. From what I understand, her trip to the Aquarium was exactly like the plot of the film National Treasure, except without Nicholas Cage, who has sucked in every move since Leaving Las Vegas (yes yes The Rock. I know).

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What's that you say? Your appetite for my wasting your time about my ridiculous shot glass collection is not satiated? Well, fear not because the venerable A.M. Barre of Star-Gazy Pie, an awesome blog with a laser-tight focus on "general stuff that lives underwater," was kind enough to get us (and by us I mean me) a PERSONALIZED shot glass from the Houston Aquarium. I can only assume that the Houston Aquarium contracted with a design firm and manufacturing facility to produce this heirloom-quality collectors treasure just for me.

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The new tally: 41 zoo and aquarium shot glasses! Send me one I don't already have in exchange for fame and fortune on Zooillogix.

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Both are pretty cool, the shot glasses I mean.