The Art of Science Learning: Moving forward one step at a time

i-7874bdccefab6fac4addadf79805dd9f-starfish11-thumb-780x545-66557.jpgI am just now recovering from last week's Art of Science Learning conference in San Diego. For something that lasted just one-and-a-half days, there was an almost overwhelming amount of great presentations, great information sharing and exchange, and -- above all -- great people dedicated to moving the idea of the Art of Science Learning forward.

When I first made plans to attend, I did so as an observer. However, soon after the presentations began on the first morning of the conference, I became an active and engaged participant. Each presentation provided me with a deeper understanding of the innovation gap in our nation today -- a gap that threatens our ability to compete on a global stage -- and the need to ensure that the arts are a key part of our educational equation moving forward.

The challenge is huge, but I am convinced that each of us can make a difference. Already, two breakout groups that I am aware of have scheduled their first meetings in San Diego to continue to advance the conference agenda.

And I am personally committed to doing the same. In my role as Associate Editor of Leader to Leader magazine, I will invite thought leaders to write articles about how the creative arts can improve worker creativity and innovation. And in my upcoming role teaching a class in creativity and innovation at San Diego State University this fall, I will ensure that the arts play a major role in my syllabus. Finally, I will continue to network and make connections with others -- both in and out of the Art of Science Learning community -- to continue to move the agenda forward.

And like the star thrower in Loren Eiseley's story, I'll continue to try to make a difference. One starfish -- and one step -- at a time.

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So I guess my analogy will lie anguishing in your buffer.

///to learn something there is no age, no color and no prestige. art is life so no way to escape...///

Its True... Learning is never End...

Thanks for sharing..

I like that the title is "The ART of Science". I think art implies more hands-on learning. When students think about science like they think about art, they will love it!

I love your ideas. What do you all think about using my blog as a teaching tool. I want my students to think of science in multiple dimensions. Please check it out and comment.

Hands on learning and even the use of the arts does seem to help many gain a greater interest in science.

Great suggestions on how to bring the joy of learning and exploring to science...especially allowing for artistic expression.

This is awesome! I was at the conference as well. I also very recently entered the science contest to try & win $10k. I'm working on an invention, & can't pay for it:( It's hard being a young scientist but not having the connections to get out there & meet professors & astrophysicists. If anybody knows about any other contests, please let me know. Thanks

By Carl Strovink (not verified) on 15 Apr 2012 #permalink