Poopy Lungstuffing

Okay, everyone, here is something intriguing. The following video is amateurish, bizarre, has terrible production values, and appears to be the work of either a master performance artist or someone who lacks any self-consciousness whatsoever (shades of Little Edie Bouvier Beale).

But, if you start the video, then click over to some other window (go check your Gmail) and just listen to the audio without video, you're suddenly listening to a dusty, scratchy gramophone record that documents a forgotten, eccentric self-taught Appalachian folk musician from the turn of the century. Or something like that. Try it!

Will the (arguably) faux-naif, poorly recorded yet winning warbles of Poopy Lungstuffing be the next big Starbucks coffee soundtrack sensation? Let me know what you think! (I think she's awesome). And thanks to our very own Physioprof for finding this - he discovered it here, at a blog written by autistic/Asperger's contributors. Very cool stuff.

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Amazing. Sounds just like a lot of the old stuff in the folk archive at the Library of Congress.

Poopy's long been recognised as a genius by those in the know ;-)

Please have a look out for her "How I won the War" - the recording quality is atrocious - it matters not one little bit - it is truly a work of Genius.

Poopy's entire artistic output is pure genius. She is in a class all her own.