Real Neuroscientists

I got a kick out of this illustration.  It's from the coloring
book at Neuroscience for Kids, showing what neuroscientists look like:

style="display: inline;">i-859ec0ee99d8ed94d0c5272e9536795a-neuroscientists.jpg

for Kids
(link to pdf coloring book)

for Kids
(link to website)


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I'm only an undergraduate in a Neuroscience lab but I have the cat's eye glasses so I think I can rightly call myself a Neuroscientist already!

does the neuroscience for kids books have any monkeys in it?

OMG, I never realized how thick my right index finger was!

And now that I see it, I realize my shadow can look like either a lovely woman wearing a feather hat or an old hag, if you look at it long enough.