How Much Is This Blog Worth?

My blog is worth $165,410.22.
How much is your blog worth?

According to this guy, however, it's only worth $18,337. Either way, I'll gladly take a check. If I took it in cash, the government might seize it without bothering to charge me with anything.

More like this

Science Blogs homepage gives a "worth" of absolutely nothing. As I doubt any blog has a negative "worth", I think I would take it with a grain of salt. In case they ignore non-blogs: The TalkOrigins Archive is "worth" $439,776.66

The Panda's Thumb is "worth" $542,522.94

By Michael Hopkins (not verified) on 02 Sep 2006 #permalink

That's because the front page gets no incoming links, all the content is on the individual blogs.

$165,410.22 is bush league. The same calculator yields a value of $1,060,206.12 for STACLU. This irreparably warps the meaning of the old saying, "I feel like a million bucks!"

STACLU pumps up their link stats artificially with open trackback posts. That's why there's such an enormous disparity between the number of incoming links they get and the number of actual readers they get (a sizable portion of which they probably get from here since I critique them so often).