Global Volcanism Program Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 5/26-6/1/2010

The level of news-frenzy on some of the recent volcanic eruptions has died down, but if you're looking to see information on the many rumbling going on worldwide, look no further. Here is this week's Volcanic Activity Report put together by Sally Kuhn Sennert of the Global Volcanism Program.

Highlights - not including Pacaya, Yasur, Tungurahua and our friend in Iceland - include:

  • The eruption in the Marianas apparently came from South Sarigan volcano - at least according to the best guess by folks who work in the Marianas. This submarine volcano apparently shows evidence of young lava flows, so this explosive event might have been part of that same system. The activity has waned considerably since the plume was spotted on May 31.
  • Kirishima in Japan has a small eruption that produced a ~100 m / 330 foot plume. However, ash was noted as far as 6 km from the vent.
  • Ulawun in Papau New Guinea was put on Stage 1 alert (the first level from the bottom) after the volcano began to show signs of restlessness, including "jetting noises", incandescence and white vapor plumes.
  • Non-eruption-related lahars were spotted at Guatemala's two other highly active volcanoes - Fuego and Santa Maria. These lahars were triggered by the heavy rain from TS Agatha and are common occurrences when you mix loosely consolidated volcanic sediment with heavy precipitation.
  • Lastly, back in the Kuril Islands, a thermal anomaly was spotted by satellite on Sarychev Peak. Unfortunately, there is no realtime monitoring of the volcano, so satellite images are all we have.

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Sally Sennert from the Smithsonian Institution sent me an email to say that this week's USGS/Smithsonian Institute Weekly Volcanic Report will be delayed due to the inclement weather in the Washington DC area. She can't connect with the server, so the report can't be updated on the Smithsonian…
Quick news on Memorial Day (in the US at least): Ash soaked by rain from Tropical Storm Agatha on the roofs of homes in Guatemala after the late May eruption of Pacaya. Sixteen scientists were evacuated from islands in the northern Marianas due to the eruption of the unnamed submarine volcano south…
A wrap up of the week's volcanism, brought to you by Sally Kuhn Sennert and the USGS/SI Global Volcanism Program. Highlights, not including Sarychev Peak, Redoubt and Shiveluch (busy week in the north Pacific), include: A small ash cloud was spotted at Bagana in Papua New Guinea. The Tavurvur cone…
The latest news from the USGS/Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program Weekly Volcano Report ... Highlights (not including Mayon) include: Strombolian eruptions and small pyroclastic falls at Arenal in Costa Rica. 3 km / 10 000 foot ash plume from Bagana on Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea.…

Thanks for keeping us posted, Erik. We know how much work this blog takes: hope you get some recognition from your department for this public educational effort! (Would it be appropriate if some of us wrote to your chairman?)

Susan - No need to do anything on my behalf. The folks here are aware of the blog and its modest impact, so it is all good. One of the perks of being in a small department - we all know what we're doing.

@Erik Klemetti, A new shipment of ash is coming your way from today. I don't know how long it takes until you get it.

This time the ash is more interesting then before, as it is three different types of ash that I am sending you now. At least I think so. The biggest amount of the ash is quite fine dust. I did send you a email about it.

Hey, it's the level of news-frenzy which has died down, not the eruptions! At least in the grammatical sense, and possibly literally as well. You wrote:

The level of news-frenzy on some of the recent volcanic eruptions have died down

but it should be
The level of news-frenzy on some of the recent volcanic eruptions has died down

So sorry to be a pedant on such a great blog, but it's a pet hate!

Having got that off my chest, two questions:
What is going on with those level 4 EQs north of Iceland, and, why has the south-eastern Australian hotspot gone cold? Not so much as a hot spring, but eruptions as recently as 5000 years ago according to some.

It's good to hear that your efforts are noticed: hope they get the appropriate credit, too. I know what the academic system is like.

Erik posted a short note on Arenal volcanic activity on May 24th. The Volcano listserv posted additional information on that event today:

New pyroclastic cone on top of Arenal volcano, Costa Rica
From: Eliecer Duarte

On Monday 24, noon a series of PFs took place at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. An upper south section of the new volcano collapsed due to gravity and sudden shacking of a nearby pyroclastic cone under construction.

Since early January a new lava flow was detected moving towards southwest. (see previous report at:… )

The new cone, located east of the summit (towards the old Arenal crater) is producing loud explosions accompanied by bombs and other pyroclasts that cover 360 degrees around the summit. Due to the narrow area where the new cone is being built new collapses will ocurr in the near future. In the past, similar cones have produced lava flows that move where gravity take them.

Detailed info is available at: (Spanish field report).…

Erik I have a New Zealand there a Mancow New Zealand (not sure about spelling)? I have a friend who needs to find a flight to there or as close to there as they can. I couldn't find it on the map so maybe I am spelling it wrong. Anyone else from around that area?

@Thanks for posting, Mike, strikingly beautiful, indeed. If someone from Iceland could just be so kind as to give us a brief explanation on what it says, we would be mostly grateful...

By Renato I Silveira (not verified) on 03 Jun 2010 #permalink

@ Randall #8 - could you mean Manukau? (sounds like Man-uh-cow when spoken)
If so, your friend can fly right there - it's where Auckland airport is situated.

By Kathryn, Australia (not verified) on 03 Jun 2010 #permalink

I think Eyja is erupting again (seismic tremor!)

By hanns sperl (not verified) on 04 Jun 2010 #permalink

@Randall #11 - My pleasure!
Actually, I lived in Auckland for a year back in 1999 - that's what sparked an interest in volcanoes.
I got into genealogy at the same time, that's another hard bug to shake off! And the rest, as they say, is history!

By Kathryn, Australia (not verified) on 04 Jun 2010 #permalink

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