User registration feature requests

ScienceBlogs is going to be adding user registration. This should be a nice, as I can't flag certain commenters as approved anymore since the "upgrade." They're taking a poll on features you'd like. I'm keen on a vote/starring system. Some readers have awesome comments. Some do not.


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I wrote this more than 8 years ago -- back in 2001 -- and I still feel pretty much the same way...…

I always liked that you could just fill just fill in your "name", "e-mail address", and "URL", and then post a comment. (Although, if I have register to comment, then I guess I have to... since I enjoy reading and occasionally commenting both your Gene Expression blogs.)

I agree, a voting (1 to 5) system would be great. Then a feature to, "Read more comments by this Member" etc.

Have they thought about including "Google Friend Connect" as well?