Religion + Teabagging + Irresponsible Reporting = ROFLMAO

Wow. Just wow. It just keeps going and going. And going.

Hat tip: wfr

RT America broadcasts from studios in Washington, DC. We report on the other side of the story, not making any conclusions, but raising the unanswered questions.

Tune in to watch news reports, features and talk shows with a totally different perspective from mainstream American television.

Like I said. Irresponsible.

The woman speaking is a scientoligist. So are these people, according to one source on the internet (which may or may not be accurate*):

  • John Travolta - actor
  • Chick Corea - influential American jazz pianist and composer
  • Brandy (Norwood) - R&B singer, actress
  • Tom Cruise - actor, movie star
  • Nancy Cartwright - voiceover artist best known as voice of "Bart Simpson" on The Simpsons
  • Jason Beghe - actor
  • Xavier Deluc - actor
  • Jason Dohring - actor
  • Michael Fairman - actor
  • Geoffrey Lewis - actor
  • Christopher Masterson - actor
  • Danny Masterson - actor
  • Haywood Nelson - actor
  • Eduardo Palomo - actor
  • Jeff Pomerantz - actor
  • Patrick Renna - actor
  • Giovanni Ribisi - (a.k.a. Vonni Ribisi) actor
  • Michael D. Roberts - actor
  • Bodhi Elfman - actor
  • Jason Lee - actor and professional skateboarder
  • Kirstie Alley - actress
  • Mimi Rogers - actress (2nd generation)
  • Anne Archer - actress
  • Jennifer Aspen - actress
  • Catherine Bell - actress
  • Erika Christensen - actress
  • Jenna Elfman - actress
  • Katie Holmes - actress
  • Kimberley Kates - actress
  • Juliette Lewis - actress
  • Priscilla Presley - actress
  • Leah Remini - actress
  • Marissa Ribisi - actress
  • Michelle Stafford - actress
  • Karen Black - actress
  • Kelly Preston - actress
  • Kate Ceberano - actress and musician
  • Judy Norton-Taylor - actress and musician
  • Lisa Marie Presley - singer; daughter of Elvis Presley
  • Billy Sheehan - rock and fusion bass player
  • David Campbell - musician
  • Dave Davies - musician
  • Isaac Hayes - musician
  • Nicky Hopkins - musician
  • Mark Isham - musician
  • David Pomeranz - musician
  • Rob Thomas - musician
  • Patrick Warren - musician
  • Edgar Winter - musician
  • Beck - singer (a.k.a. Beck Hansen)
  • Carina Ricco - singer, actress, composer
  • Gloria Rusch-Novello - singer, writer, composer
  • Karen Nelson Bell - producer, director and musician
  • Robert Zoller - author
  • Floyd Mutrux - screenwriter, director, producer
  • Terry Jastrow - TV producer and director
  • Peter Medak - film director
  • Carl W. Rohrig - (a.k.a. Pablo Roehrig) painter
  • Franca Cerveni - radio and television announcer
  • James T. Sorensen - photographer
  • Keith Code - motorcycle racing instructor
  • Megan Shields - physician and author of health books, incl. Arthritis: The Doctor's Cure, etc.
  • Chaka Khan - singer
  • Sonny Bono - singer ("Sonny and Cher"), U.S. Representative
  • Mary Bono - widow of Sonny Bono; U.S. Representative
  • Heber Jentzsch - President of the Church of Scientology
  • Ernest Lehman - screenwriter of The Sound of Music
  • Greta Van Susteren - host of On the Record with Greta Van Susteren new show on FOX TV
  • David Miscavige - important Church of Scientology religious leader; chairman of the board for Religious Technology Center
  • Jim Johnson - owner and founder of Mr. Jim's Pizza chain
  • Lee Purcell - actress, Big Wednesday, etc.
  • Michael Wiserman - Predator 2, etc.
  • Gary Imhoff - actor; Thumbelina, etc.
  • Manu Tupou - actor and acting teacher; Hawaii
  • Dror Soref - director; The Seventh Coin, etc.
  • Amanda Ambrose - singer, vocal teacher
  • Milton Ketselas - one of Hollywood's most successful acting teachers, who heads the Beverly Hills Playhouse
  • Jim Rogers - celebrity producer, manager (ex-husband of Mimi Rogers)
  • Linda Blair - actress best known for The Exorcist
  • Arnaud Boetsch - tennis player
  • Sharon Case - actress
  • Glenn Zottola - trumpeter
  • Andrew Loog Oldham - writer
  • Dick Zimmerman - celebrity photographer
  • Jeffrey Tambor - actor
  • Eddie Deezen - actor
  • Corin Nemec - actor
  • Anita Mally - actress, screenwriter
  • Julia Migenes - opera singer
  • Lightfield Lewis - actor, director
  • Charles Lakes - Olympic gymnast
  • Laura Prepon - actress
  • Helga Wagner - jewelry designer; dated Prince Charles and Sen. Ted Kennedy
  • Deborah Rennard - actress
  • Sofia Milos - actress
  • Placido Domingo, Jr. - singer
  • Robert F. Lyons - actor and drama teacher
  • Carolyn Judd - ad writer and producer
  • Paul Haggis - screenwriter, story editor, TV producer
  • Josele Garza - racing car driver from Mexico
  • Lenny Macaluso - musician, songwriter, producer
  • Phillipe de Henning - racing driver, fashion designer
  • Milton Katselas - acting teacher, director
  • Maxine Nightingale - singer
  • Mario Feninger - composer and concert pianist
  • Jeffrey Scott - script writer, grandson of Moe Howard
  • Pamela Roberts - actress, clothes designer
  • Elena Roggero - Italian singer, songwriter
  • Karen Nelson-Bell - producer
  • Lamia Khashoggi - wife of wealthy and famous Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi
  • Noelle North - dancer, voice-over actress
  • Misha Segal - composer
  • Andrik Schapers - singer from Netherlands
  • Cass Warner - writer
  • Jason Lee - actor ("Chasing Amy")
  • Michelle Stafford - actress ("The Young and the Restless")
  • Denice Duff - actress ("The Young and the Restless")
  • Lynsey Bartilson - actress ("Grounded for Life")
  • Tom Fair - (a.k.a. Tom Feher) lyrcist for the 60s rock group the Left Banke
  • Moon Martin - rock star; "Bad Case of Lovin' You"
  • Clive Clerk - actor, singer
  • Jim McMullin - actor
  • Michael Wiseman - child actor ("Predator 2")
  • Ludwig Fisher - actor and artist
  • Ryan Paris - singer, musician
  • Michael Schnitzler - violinist
  • Peter Winsnes - actor
  • Eric Sherman - director
  • Peter Schless - composer, synthetisist and producer
  • Diana Venegas - beauty queen; Miss Venezuela; lace-gowns boutique in Beverly Hills
  • Jackson Sousa - Hollywood celebrity trainer
  • Michael Sellers - concert pianist
  • Susie Coelho - actress
  • Hans Gunter Arenz - race car driver
  • Fermin Sanchez - race car driver
  • Kit Carson - motorcycle racer
  • Al DiMeola - jazz musician
  • Janet Greeson - owner of Diet Centers
  • Willie B. Wilson - oil billionaire
  • Tony Morales - drummer with the Rippingtons
  • Hossam Ramzy - North African percussion ensemble leader, played with Peter Gabriel
  • Amanda Rice - (formerly "Raven") stripper; previously Kiefer Sutherland's girlfriend
  • source

Oh, hell, I might as well throw this in too:


*If you are on this list, and are not a Scientologist, refer to the link above to locate the source and let them know. You can also let me know and I'll take your name off the list. Or, you can threaten legal action against me, and then you'll get my form letter to all people who threaten me with their lawyers, and your name will remain on the list until I hear from said lawyer, and am convinced that it is a real lawyer and not just you pretending to be your lawyer .

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I often tell myself that I can't decide what entertainment (movies, music, etc.) I like on the basis of what I find out about the professionals producing it.

I don't believe myself when I tell myself that, but I do tell myself that.

"Yeah, I'm a Scientologist. My father has been a Scientologist for about 35 years, so I grew up in and around it." When questioned by the interviewer about Scientology's core beliefs, he replied:

What it actually is is just sort of, uh, you know, I think it's about philosophy and sort of, uh, all these kinds of, you know, ideals

Embedded blockquote fail. The second blockquote is him being quoted.

WTF! Amazing how she sits there and rattles off almost every conspiracy theory in a concise package. It's beyond thinking, it is delusional. I am stunned that our way of life can enable a person this deluded to otherwise function normally.

I'm disappointed at the number of musicians on the list although I'm not surprised. It's obvious that being talented in one aspect does not protect you from irrationality.

Another reason to not be surprised is that Scientology goes out of its way to court celebrities and even artists who might one day become celebrities. They have the funds and the facilities to do it right, too.

Oh Em Gee.

The entertainers are relatively harmless... but Scientologeeks have access to major weaponry at wholesale prices!?!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

And she has the vote?
Only in America!

Colleen Thomas is a Scientologist? I thought she was just mentally ill. I'm impressed at her ability to cite so many conspiracy theories in such a short amount of time, though.

This Coleen Thomas woman has been cropping up on my google-reader about three times a day for the last week for some reason and I had never encountered her before. I have known of the link between UFOlogy and Neo-Nazi Conspiratoria at least since the Oklahoma City bombing but I always suspected that "reptilians" and "draconians" were just code words for Jews and blacks or something ... Now I'm not so sure ...

she's a home health worker turned physicist? WTF. gotta go look up all her papers in PRL. hahahahahahahahahaha.

People like this woman need to be institutionalized. They are severely deluded.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

I have to wonder if she is saying physics when she means she has studied physic's. The latter seems a better match for the content of her comments.

Yeah, I was thinking that too. And when she says "The Pleideans have a superior technology" she meant to say "I ate the whole bottle of pills this morning and now I feel great!"

I think we just found Sarah Palin's running mate.

By Keith Hammerbeck (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

Did I hear that right in the intro: she is a "physicist" and specializes in the "science" of creation? Throw that station in the dump right there, don't even listen to any of the crap that follows.

What utter idiocies comes out of that woman's mouth, a mash of all the conspiracy theories into one steaming heap of bullshit.

What kind of brain can produce that amount of illusions? Religious believers and that woman are on the same level - believing made up stories as representative of reality.

I actually see very little difference between the stories of various competing religions and the load of nonsense that woman spouts - she is just more comprehensive in her delusions.

Another commenter to just say - Oh noes! Beck?! WTF!? Everybody else on that list I could care less about (but I'm scared of how long it is).

I'm still listening to his stuff though.

Sonny Bono - singer ("Sonny and Cher"), U.S. Representative

Mary Bono - widow of Sonny Bono; U.S. Representative

Umm... Does this mean the corpse of Sonny still attends the clearing sessions? (Or whatever it is those crazy Scientologists do to rid themselves of thetans.)

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

She appears to believe what she asserts, as many humans do when asserting their 'reality-model'. I offer this hypothesis: She may be a Useful Idiot -- an individual surreptitiously employed or directed by an external intelligence group (IE Nation-State based, corporate-based) for the purposes of misinformation or distraction.
If I were an operative, using this woman would pay in full! As an operative, I wouldn't have to train or tell her anything. Just turn her in the direction I want her to go, give her easier access to media, slip her 'declassified' (IE B.S.) intelligence information, and watch her GO. Funny!

By Genre Slur (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

are there any full videos of the rocket/plane?

seems to me if someone videod it for 30 minutes, it would be clear if it were a missle, cuz it would go back down, or a plane, cuz it would keep on going and going and going.

it was probably jupiter. :)

Man this is fucked up. I can't believe that these assholes are selling our dead bodies on their meat market. Sick sons-of-bitches! It is good to know that the Pleiadians are working on our recessionâI guess how and what they are doing is top secret.

Question, in the second video she says, "Late next spring everybody that gets to live on this planet get 5.3 million dollars." Is that 5.3 million each or shared?

The interviewer ought to do something with her hair.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

The tree Sonny Bono hit must have been clear.

Jason Beghe is now an active critic of Scientology.

That woman needs to be 5150'd, for everyone's sake.

Roseville? Geez, that's right next door.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 11 Nov 2010 #permalink

That list is ancient. Sonny Bono has been DEAD for years, and his widow left the cult years ago. Isaac Hayes is also dead. Paul Haggis famously left the cult last year. Jason Beghe is now an active critic of Scientology. Some of those people took only a class or two, but never got involved beyond that.

I appreciate the need to keep people informed and aware, but please do your homework. I doubt very much that people like Jason Beghe want to see their name on that list.

Holy cow! that's practically a parody of itself.

OK folks, so here's the real conspiracy.

RT is Russia Today:

They're pouring kook-stuff into the airwaves in order to turn our brains into mush, and then take over the country. You'll know this is true if they appoint Ariana Huffington to run their "health" program.

And the real "secret war" behind the scenes, is between the Russians and the megachurches, to see who can recruit or produce the largest number of lobotomized zombies for their zombie army.

If you want to avoid being detected as someone who still has an intact brain, learn to have that "vacant stare" as if you're watching a big screen that's about eight feet away, and let your mouth hang open just a little more than normal. Looking too alert definitely scares them.


As for all the Scientologists in the entertainment industry: amusingly creepy but hardly as scary as all the Dominionists in politics. Film stars who believe their heads are infested with Thetans, are no threat to your civil liberties. Elected officials who believe in a demon-haunted world and the necessity for the righteous to rule with an iron fist in order to cleanse the Earth for the Second Coming ...yeah those are a threat. Serious as a heart attack.

Come on. The missile wasn't a missile - it was a TARDIS making a quick escape back to the early 1900s to thwart an assassination plot against Charlie Chaplin.*

Just whom do you believe the woman using the cellular phone was actually talking to? Yup. Three minutes later a Police Box mysteriously vanished from the studio's properties department.


* Who was actually going to be employed in a later episode plot to fake Hitler speeches and make the Führer look like a bigger nut than he already did.

Keith Hammerbeck: I think we just found Sarah Palin's running mate.

I was thinking more like Glenn Beck's soul mate.

By Equisetum (not verified) on 12 Nov 2010 #permalink

If this woman can figure out how to broadcast directly to police scanners we are all screwed.

Andrew Loog Oldham has taken Scientology courses and in his autobiography "Stoned" (1999) credits Scientology with helping him to sustain sobriety after many years of drug and alcohol abuse. However, he was never audited nor was he allowed to move up the Bridge because he was considered damaged goods due to his prolonged drug habit. In the years since, he has drifted away from his friends in Scientology and now has nothing to do with the organization. I was his editor on the book and we are in close contact so that is my authority for stating he is NOT a Scientologist.

The requests to be removed from this list are trickling in. It seems to be a bit out of date. Or something.