Down the Stream the Swans All Glide

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April is National Poetry Month, and I plan to post one poem per day, every day this month (If you have a favorite poem that you'd like me to share, feel free to email it to me). Today's poem was suggested by a reader and friend who writes that "I've attached a poem by Spike Milligan. It should break up the more serious ones (honestly, who decided that the cruelest month should be dedicated to poetry?). It's scanned from Silly Verses for Kids -- his drawings are half the fun."

Down the Stream the Swans All Glide

Down the Stream the Swans All Glide;
It's quite the cheapest way to ride.
Their legs get wet,
Their tummies wetter:
I think after all
The bus is better.

-- Spike Milligan, The Essential Spike Milligan (Fourth Estate; 2003).

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The one I like is:

There are holes in the sky
Where the rain gets in
But the holes are small
That's why rain is thin.

(Maybe because it's so easy to remember).


By John Monfries (not verified) on 10 Apr 2008 #permalink