One Day Late for Mother's Day

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It's springtime in bunnyland. This amusing streaming video shows .. well .. let's just say that most people probably never thought that a bunch of girls could cause so much trouble -- certainly, the photographers (who are trying to shoot a commercial) never thought so. (All narration is in Norwegian Finnish). [1:00].

Okay, for those of you who watched this, sorry to disappoint you about lesbian bunnies and out-of-control bunny hormones and all, but let me mention that same-sex humping is relatively common in animals because they use this to establish dominance hierarchies.

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The narration is in Finnish, not Norwegian. I'll have to ask for a translation from someone else, although I am able to guess what comes on the end of the vit- you hear a couple of times.

So THAT'S what happens at Girls' Night Out . . .

By biosparite (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink