Koralle, 1

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Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view]

If you were here today, I would show you around the Senckenberg Natural History Museum. During your visit, this is one of the many natural wonders you would see.

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tags: Koralle, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography Koralle. Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view] This is another beautiful coral that I…
tags: Koralle, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day, photography Koralle. Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view] Brain coral is a common name given to corals in the…
tags: Versteinerung Muschelschale, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, cities, image of the day, photography Versteinerung Muschelschale. Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view] This is a…
tags: Lituites lituus, Senckenberg Naturmuseum, museums, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, fossils, paleontology, image of the day, photography Lituites lituus. Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Image: GrrlScientist, 13 April 2010 [larger view] If you were here today, I…

How did you like the museum? What was your favorite exhibit?

i was surprised to discover that i loved the museum (after working at AMNH for 2 years, i thought i would never enjoy another natural history museum again). i am not sure what my favorite exhibits were, but looking through all the birds sure did make me miss being an employed scientist again (for the millionth time in these past six years).

i was annoyed at all the glass surrounding everything, though .. makes photography nearly impossible! i am already working towards getting someone from behind-the-scenes to give me access to the collections for photography purposes.