Update: Planning to Return to Gorgeous Helsinki, Finland

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Helsingin tuomiokirkko or Suurkirkko (Helsinki Cathedral), Helsinki, Finland.
This is an Evangelical Lutheran cathedral located in the center of Helsinki, Finland.

Image: GrrlScientist, 23 July 2009 [larger view]

My spouse has made arrangements for us to return to gorgeous Helsinki, Finland. We will attend his student's defense, and hang out in the city. I already have plans to photograph Suomenlinna, the Luonnontieteellinen Museo (our hotel is across the street from the Natural History Museum), Helsingin tuomiokirkko (inside and out), the "3T/3B" tram route, and I am especially determined to indulge in the Spårakoff Tram Pub that I missed the last time I was there. If any of you are in Helsinki between the dates of Friday, 14 and 21 May who might wish to meet and converse over beers, or if you'd like to run around the city, snapping photographs, contact me so we can arrange a time and place to meet.

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Dear Eyjafjallajökull,

Please erupt on 12 or 13 May. A large ash cloud over Northern and Eastern Europe would be appreciated. One of the birds is planning to escape the coop.

Yours Sincerely,

As it happens, we are planning a visit to Helsinki around the 20th, but, alas, I probably won't be able to make it downtown. We'll be visiting my grandparents to show off the little princess again, as they haven't seen her in person since Christmas.

I may try to work something out, but unless I fit in an extra night in town (my brother lives in downtown Helsinki) it's very unlikely to happen.

Hmmm ... maybe one day. I'll be in Norway soon but I don't think Helsinki will be a stop on this trip; if I'm lucky I'll be visiting Iceland as well.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

If you have time to take a trip to the upper Bothnic Sea, you will be able to study the new land created by the continuing post-glacial rebound; more than two ft per century. A strip near the shore is typically only has salt-tolerant plants since the salt is only slowly washed away by rainwater.
And south of Vasa there is a small coastal cave that has yielded artefacts that pre-dates both H. Sapiens Sapiens and Neanderthals.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 03 May 2010 #permalink

ASWatch: if anything changes, let me know because it'd be fun to meet!

Birger: great suggestions! i will see if we can work either of these suggested sites in to the schedule (the cave sounds especially fascinating, but either one will probably be extremely photogenic).