Zombies Like Turtles

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Today is Zombie Day at ScienceBlogs .. and oooo, do you see the zombified me, pictured over there on the right? Moochas smoochas to my pal, Joseph, for my portrait! ...

Ahem. This is an unofficial day at ScienceBlogs intended to celebrate silliness in a world filled with a shitload of mayhem, disaster and despair. So in honor of this day, I wasted half the fucking day spent hours watching silly videos before I finally settled on this particular one as being vaguely appropriate, since it ties the zombie theme together with animals -- never mind that this is the incorrect animal, but what the hell, beggers can't be choosers, as they say. So to kick off zombie day on this humble blog, here is a goofy internet meme that might give you a smile.

I have a more substantial (scientifically-based) zombie entry that you might like to read, and I also have a few ideas that I will be writing about in the near future, so stay tuned.

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I like turtles.