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I noticed that he is wearing a cap that says Maui. I'm sure this BigPig was there to look for the birth certificate.

I thought BP stood for Biohazard Provocateur?

Good lord! It certainly takes all kinds, but I'm getting tired of seeing such idiots all over my Vizio screen. It is a nice large flat screen and such nonsense is no better on the big one.


I know there are some learned dissertations on our innate propensity to recognise patterns - and this can lead us astray. But I'm not going to bother tracking them down for this one.

Dont be too harsh on the guy Adelaidey i suggest he did not write what is said as it is obvious (well to me anyway) that just by looking at him he could not string two words together let alone spell them correctly.

He has probably already drunk the carton of Jack Daniel cans he was given for carrying the sign around.

he could not string two words together let alone spell them correctly.

In which case I expect he'll be posting here as a denier any day. (Sorry Crakar, but sometimes its just too easy.)

He has probably already drunk the carton of Jack Daniel cans

Oh, well, *hell* . . . then I *know* he's ready to post for the denier side.

(Can you really get JD in cans?)


The key to comedy is timing, your timing today is impeccable.

You can get them here in Australia, as a matter of fact im drinking one right now.


as a matter of fact im drinking one right now.

No doubt numerous posts will follow.

(I'm cracking myself up; forgive me.)

Drinking JD out of a can is what you do if you are a bogan but have a job. True bogans drink Woodies - but rich bogans drink JD.

You caught me,

I was not really drinking one but i thought it would be a funny thing to say at the time. If you must know i was drinking Stella Artois (yes i know) but its not a bad drop for a Euro beer and better than anything South Australia has ever produced anyway.

I dont drink JD cans as i cant afford them and not because i am a poor bogan as Mandas has stated (though some may beg to differ)but due to the legacy of a failed policy by our now sacked PM.

If i was to drink Wisky it would be Irish or Scotch. If i was rich enough it would be nothing less than single malt.

Beer? South Australia? Cooper's is the way to go.

They've got a couple of lager / clear beers in the same price range as Stella - and they're heaps better

Ok I admit it.

I had to Google "bogan", which, I imagine, makes me one.

I reserve the right to substitute the term for "sheep shagger" as circumstance dictates. Be warned, all.


Sparkling is OK but you need to be careful, i had a couple too many at a friends place and could not find the door when it was time to go home (5.8% alc).

Pale ale is a bit average if you have to roll a beer before you drink it then it cant be safe to drink.


Sheep shagger has a higher community standing than Bogan, thats not to say a Bogan cannot be a sheep shagger but the sheep they shag are made of plastic. All this reminds me of a joke which i dare not share with you here as some my find it a tad offensive.



People forget that pale ale was originally drunk diluted with water. They've modified the recipe a bit but it still commands a bit of respect. I don't drink beer nowadays, but I do like Cooper's Stout occasionally - streets ahead of Guinness.

I'm going to assume that adelady is from Adelaide. Freaky how you can have so many people from the same small town (yes, it is a small town) all congregating in the same place.

Pale has always been a pale imitation of sparkling - but of course only the hard core drink sparkling; pale is the mass produced version for the masses. But god help me for actually agreeing with something crakar has said - SA has never produced a decent beer, with the minor exception of coopers dark, which is okay i guess. But give me a decent squires any day.

Ah. Stella, or fighting lager as it's sometimes known in the UK. More expensive ('cause it's stronger) and tastier than other lagers (particularly the weak p!ss that the Aussies export to us) but can also lead to severe loss of a sense of humour and objectivity which can then quickly lead to loss of teeth.

Me? I betray my West Country roots by retaining cider (scrumpy if I can get it) as my tipple of choice.

Just in case any Aussies are offended by my characterisation of their amber liquid I'll leave you with a joke: Q: What does American beer have in common with sex in a canoe? A: They're both f***ing close to water.

Mandas post 16,

I made that assumption in post 6 (call it a stab in the dark) and yes it is a little weird.

I will go first, i live in a little town which is sometimes known as "Bills Ville" those that know their wine regions well should be able to figure it out.

By the way i have been advised that by spelling me name this way i am honouring a group of people i resemble most.


PS Happy birthday Skip and a belated happy birthday to Coby (sorry i forgot it was Canada's birthday a few days ago)

By Cracker24 (not verified) on 04 Jul 2010 #permalink


This gets even scarier. I know my wine regions very well, living as I do in a town named after the second Governor on the edge of the very same wine region where you live.

But I assumed adelady was female - hence the name.

Yes I'm female. And yet another Bills Ville turns out to neighbour a wine district. (Though I s'pose neighbouring a wine district is par for the course in SA until you go too far west or north.)

Hang on, I missed one earlier.

Good grief you lot *are* around here. Heavens to betsy!

Still, Adelaide is not a small town. Heard a quote from a brit writer yonks ago - Adelaide is a city of a million people that pretends to be 20,000.

Jeez Mandas, a "town named after the second Governor" once you figure out what Bills Ville really means you will realise we are practically neighbours in fact we have probably walked passed each other in the street and have not known thats what i call connecting the dots.

All we need to do now is figure out where Adelady comes from, any hints?

SPPI have updated their website so i will post something from there as a way get us out of this awkward situation.

By Cracker24 (not verified) on 04 Jul 2010 #permalink

My OH grew up near the governor-name-town and wasted a lot of ill-spent youthful hoon hours driving around the dusty backroads including to Bills Ville.

I'm much more typical of suburbanites born in the 40s - most of my rellies were country people and as a little tacker my family was farming down on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Now? Dunno, quite like the lady of mystery tag.

Yeah I worked out what 'Bills Ville' was straight away - that's why I suggested I was on the edge of the same wine region where you live - and incidently where I spend a lot of time buying and consuming the local product.

If Adelady grew up NEAR my 'hood (lol) and spent time driving around as a hoon - I could be cruel and suggest she is an elizabethan bogan.

Heavens forbid she comes from Lizbiff, i like the lady of mystery tag better. Lets keep at that shall we?

By Cracker24 (not verified) on 05 Jul 2010 #permalink

fact still remains that 'obama was born in kenya'...dont care who ruled by then....#proud to be african....PROUD TO BE KENYAN!!!

Fact still remains Obama is as American as any of the rest of you.

wowtroll, Obama is maybe an American, but not a typical one from mainland America. He is peripheral, by descent, by geography, by ideology which ist not at all compatible with decent Americans from mainland America, by intellect just praising primitive climate religions instead of more cultivism towards present civilizational life. That you excrete sympathy with this low-performer in office stands for its own. I guess your idol most appreciated is Kim Chun Yun, the next one was Bin Laden, asswiping arselick

Fact is, he's black.

And you can't handle it.

(heck, he's not even black, his grandma is as white as the proverbial snow, but even that hint of "non white" is enough to make you collectively go apoplectic in your neural shutdown)

wowtroll, I demonstrate now again in front of the audience what a mean ZERO you are, as you are not able to answer a very simple question: were Mt. Fleming data used by GISS to calculate the global temperature? I predict that you ignoramus will convincingly fail to answer this simple question, as you are only a childish blatherskite without any knowledge in meteorology.

"were Mt. Fleming data used by GISS to calculate the global temperature? "

Who are "Mt Flemming"?

wowtroll, prediction 100% proved: you climate illiterate have drastically shown that you have no clue whether Mt. Fleming data have been used by GISS to calculate the global temperature. This was expected, and your answer "who are Mt. Flemming" utterly stupid, also as expected.

I predict you will fail again to answer the question you were given.

"shown that you have no clue whether Mt. Fleming data have been used by GISS to calculate the global temperature."

So what?

So so you know if they use dried peppercorns in the special spices for KFC? Or are you completely ignorant?

"I predict you will fail again to answer the question you were given."

I just answered it, moron.

So do you know if it's used in GISS? If so, where's the evidence you have to prove it? If you don't, then why the hell are you whining?

wowtroll, prediction 100% proved: you climate illiterate have drastically shown that you have no clue whether Mt. Fleming data have been used by GISS to calculate the global temperature. This was expected, and your answer “who are Mt. Flemming” utterly stupid, also as expected.

I predict you will fail a 3rd time to answer the question you were given but unable to answer. You have to try again.

And you don't know what you're talking about.

Given you haven't any idea yourself whether it's used, or what it means if they do or don't.

"I predict you will fail a 3rd time to answer the question you were given"

I did answer.

But English isn't your thing.

So here it is in very simple words:

I do not know.

Also you have proven 100% again that you are ignorant by avoiding my question in post 35.

wowtroll, prediction 100% proved: you climate illiterate have drastically shown that you have no clue whether Mt. Fleming data have been used by GISS to calculate the global temperature. This was expected, and your answer “who are Mt. Flemming” utterly stupid, also as expected.

I predict you will fail a 4th time to answer the question you were given but unable to answer. You have to try again and excuses are not acceptable, moron.

"you climate illiterate have drastically shown that you have no clue whether Mt. Fleming data have been used"

What's this? *I* don't know if it is. I can't claim for anyone else.

And what's this "climate illiterate"? YOU are the clueless moron on climate. That's the denier reason for believing AGW is a hoax: make sure you never learn about the climate.

"I predict you will fail a 4th time to answer the question"

OK, I answered the question of whether I know if Mt Fleming is used.

So what question have I failed to answer 4 times, retard?

Oh, by the way, do YOU know if it;s used? Apparently not.

Also: irony.

"you climate illiterate"
"have drastically shown"

Engrish no so gud!

I guess it's going to be claimed that this ISN'T "utterly stupid, also as expected.".

Because Denial.