Breaking News - The Onion


And, as always from The Onion, so true...

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(Recipe from Mark Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World) Chicken Stock: 3.5 cups Saffron Threads: 1.0 pinch Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 3.0 Tbs Onion, Minced: 1.0 medium Rice, Short/Medium Grain: 2.0 cups Shrimp, Cut Up: 2.0 cups Salt, Pepper: to taste Parsley: for garnish Pre-heat the oven to 500 F…
And, so, as this feast of Saint Thorlacius comes to an end, we await the arrival of the last of the yule lads the sneaky candle swiper hisself Kertasníkir The lads are bathed, a major achievement in and of itself, and ready for the grand finale tomorrow night they leave town, but first their…
This recipe is based on a recipe for Moroccan spiced duck breasts, fromThe Soul of a New Cuisine, Marcus Samuelsson's new African cookbook. Chef Samuelsson is the guy who's responsible for getting me to eat beef after not touching the stuff for nearly two years. He's a very interesting guy - born…
When it comes to antivaccinationists, The Onion, as for most things, nails it. Don't vaccinate not because science shows no link between vaccines and autism but rather because, you know, Jenny McCarthy has some really convincing anecdotes. When antivaccine loons are the butt of jokes on The Onion…

There you go! Just run this on CNN and you've got half their programming. As for the locals...this is actually better than what they have. As Michael Moore pointed out, we are unique in that "if it bleeds, it leads." is actually considered acceptable news presentation. The only thing they left out is the continuous loops.

By BobFromLI (not verified) on 07 May 2013 #permalink