Hurricane Dean's Cold Wake

It's always amazing to watch what a Category 4 or 5 hurricane does to the ocean it passes over. So lets go over to Remote Sensing Systems and look at the Caribbean before and after Dean passed.

Here are the SST anomalies before Dean went through, on August 17th. Red means warm anomaly, blue means cold anomaly.


And here are the SST anomalies now that Dean has passed:


Check out the Remote Sensing Systems page for Hurricane Dean for higher resolution and more ability to monkey around with the data. Pretty cool, eh?

(Pun intended.)


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A lovely illustration. Thanks much.

Its a little surprising it is so visable for a storm that was moving at a pretty good clip (17-18knots). Slower storms will use up more of the heat content. If they move too slowly, they may run low on fuel (heat).