Crazy gay soldiers

The American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1973. The Pentagon is still mulling it over, according to a report from AP.

WASHINGTON -- A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that position. The document outlines retirement or other discharge policies for service members with physical disabilities, and in a section on defects lists homosexuality alongside mental retardation and personality disorders.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeremy M. Martin said the policy document is under review.

Is it, really? I look forward to outcome of the review.


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My bet is the review is really happening in the office of Frank Luntz (the Neocon Language Meister). To me it seems likely the neocons' perceived need for fresh cannon fodder will outweigh their homophobia. They just have to figure out how to frame the announcement to fit the neocon worldview.

And then the Orwell-speak will commence: "We've always supported gays in the military." (And by "always" we mean, since the beginning of this press conference.)