The rumors are true...

Observations of a Nerd has migrated from its ancestral home on and invaded Science Blogs!

Aloha! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Christie. I've been blogging since 2008, and I write about whatever tickles my fancy, from science news to cute critters. I like to keep things upbeat and informative, but most of all, fun to read. I've imported my old Blogger posts (though my Blogger Site will remain as an archive and back-up in case Science Blogs is destroyed by a plague of locusts), so you can look back in time and see what Observations of a Nerd is all about (I apologize in advance for the screwed up image and video formatting - I'm honestly too lazy to go through and fix them all). If you want to know why I'm a nerd, look all the way back to my first post .

It's truly an honor to be invited to write here at Science Blogs and become a Scibling (one which I have to profusely thank Ed for). I'm really excited to begin this new chapter in my writing career! I couldn't be happier to join this exquisite group of bloggers.

Hello to my fellow Sciblings and to all the Science Blog readers!


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Welcome! I'm so glad your joined the Borg. I can think of no better science blog deserving of a wider audience. Go get em Christie

w00000000t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Welcome to the family!!!!

Yay! I've enjoyed your blog on the old spot. Looking forward to reading it here!

By Christina (not verified) on 23 Mar 2010 #permalink

Oooh, first to post on your squeaky new site!

Congratulations, Christie. It is indeed an honour. There are now few science blogs I read that aren't on Science Blogs!

Now that I won't be signing in with OpenID, I'm the commenter previously known as "outerhoard". My sister generally calls me "Nerd", so I guess we have something in common. (Really. She writes "Hi, Nerd" on the top of emails and so forth.)

Most science blogs I read are on Scienceblogs; yours was one of the exceptions. And now you turn up on Scienceblogs, which feels like a conspiracy to me. (At least they can't take over your Twitter feed.)

I've only been reading you since early February, at which time I plugged you on my blog. (Do you want another plug now or should I just quietly change my links?) I was concerned at the time about my shrinking inventory of science blogs (Cognitive Daily had recently died), and was on the lookout for new ones. Found you. Never regretted it. Love what you do.


Wow well done! *is insanely jealous* I'll probably check up on your writing a lot more often here :) Just approved this as a source with, so you should be able to get the Rb stamp no problem. :D

I'm a little late to the party, but welcome! I've enjoyed your stuff since you were a finalist for the Quark prize. It's great to have you join the team.

I'm so glad you have joined Sb. Welcome! Finally, the place has some respectability.

Welcome, Christie! I love your writing and amazed at the breadth of your knowledge of biology. We're all also fans of Psych so I loved your post about the bullet being lodged in the tree. Simply fantastic to have you here. Your writing deserves a much wider audience.