"These Songs Have Very Low Entropy"

Travis Hime listens to Justin Timberlake so you don't have to.


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I suspect whoever decided these songs have low entropy didn't do the math to back that up. How can you just trust someone's words?

I was curious about how bad the review was that you linked to considering how good other reviews were. The reviews on amazon.com also have a bimodal distribution. So this is love it or hate it music. Oh, that's interesting. So I found this audio file (with over 150,000 hits just today?): http://www.myspace.com/justintimberlake

Oh, now I get it. No I don't hate it. I won't buy it. There are other ways I would go for the electronic sound or the angry sound or the lustful sound (like Toni Braxton). Still there might be a very adaptable young woman somewhere in the world right now making a living stripping to this music. Everything has its niche.