Achilles and Hector Cannot Both Walk into the Sunset Alive

Bummer news from Making Light this morning: one of my favorite authors, John M. Ford, has died. That's a shitty way to start the week.

The post title is from his poem Troy: The Movie, which does not involve Brad Pitt. Also well worth reading is his September 11th memorial poem 110 Stories, which I had taped up outside my office for a long time. His NESFA collection, From the End of the Twentieth Century is full of good stuff, as is the more recent Heast of Fusion, and Growing Up Weightless may be my favorite coming-of-age SF story ever.

He was also an occasional poster to Making Light, and an invaluable part of the comments there. He will be missed.


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Damn, that's a shame. One of my regrets about last Boskone was that I missed his reading. I really enjoyed his stuff.