links for 2007-11-27


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Regarding the newsrack blog about Pullman, the author says in his closing paragraph that the books "ought to be a perfect challenge for those inclined to defend their faith."

How does it go...ah, yes: "Well, there's your problem!"

Pullman blogger Thomas Nephew here; thanks for the link and the added readers, Chad.

Re Skwid's comment: I see that problem, of course. My mild remonstrance was directed at Mr. Drum, for recommending that the problem be exacerbated. I see that he's putting himself in a Southern Baptist Convention leader's shoes, but he didn't need to do that, or assume away 20 or 30 IQ points (or whatever mental quality welcomes challenges) as part of the exercise. It gives too much credit to the SBC/Focus on the Family/etc. notion that a given faith's leadership should protect its "flock" from wrongthink.