Weekend Family Blogging

I had hoped to get the next Ten Years Before the Blog post queued up for today, but what with one thing and another, that didn't happen. It probably won't happen before Monday, either, as the weekend will be full of family-type activities-- taking SteelyKid to soccer this morning, and her summer camp orientation tomorrow, and so on.

So, here's some cute-kid material in honor of that. The featured image above (not visible in the RSS feed, alas) is me with the two kids, The Pip sporting the Yankees outfit his Aunt Mary sent him (Uncle Dick would've been proud), and SteelyKid in her spiffy new Jake and the Never Land Pirates shirt, because she earned a few episodes of that this week. And if still photos aren't enough for you, here's The Pip in his bouncer:

For comparison, here's SteelyKid in the same bouncer a few years ago:

Our kids certainly do like to jump up and down...

Hope your weekend is good.

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