
Some reader emailed me to explain that my secret identity has been blown. Well, you can read about it here. But note that I'm staying positive. Remember, Clay sold more than Reuben. Yes, I love science, but singing is my soul!
The lion the way, in case anyone cared, my evil black cat is only up to three birds this spring. I think the worst is over. Update: More cat below the fold.
Check out the tail, Agnostic....
Since I will use vulgar language, this post will be mostly below the fold. This commenter asked me to justify a claim, to which I responded by calling him an asshole. The reason is simple, the question is a simple factual query which could have been answered by checking the source I cited. The reality is that adding links to my posts take time, but I do so on the theory that readers will take some time out of their day and follow the links to make sure they fulfill their obligation toward due diligence. Sure, I could have simply responded "check the link," but I didn't like the tone of the…
Via grrlscientist I found the Personal DNA test. I was attracted to the title before I realized it was a personality test, but it seems a rather good one. I am a: More details here. Seems about right, though personality tests tend to skew toward positive labels to make you accept their evaluations. So I'll point to two generally negative things about me which this test seemed to gauge accurately (though via transparent questions), I lack empathy and style. Anyway, like IQ tests, US News & World Report college rankings or "DNA ancestry tests," this test told me what I generally…
Just to reinforce the "Live Journal" flavor of this weblog...I have to recount a Craig's List story. I was recently looking for an apartment to rent, and I was playing email/phone tag with a guy "Zeke" who was subletting his extra room. When I was looking at a different place "Zeke" called me, and the guy whose place I was looking at told me that he worked with the same "Zeke" (he heard me say his name) Anyway, there were time issues with the second place I visited, so I was late at my third place, and when I called "Zeke" to postpone, he was like, "OK, I'll do something else." Finally…
I'm a Dubliner! Thanks to grrlscientist, of course :) You Belong in Dublin Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions. You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town. What European City Do You Belong In?
Via grrlscientist here is my EgoSurf result: 5715. You can check me: . Since this uses google I think that explains the high showing of grrlscientist and the low rank of Glenn Reynolds. I have noticed that some blogs are high driven by referrals from other blogs and others by by search engine traffic. My non-Seed weblog has always been driven by a large percentage of search engine traffic, and links come in from diverse sources (online class syllabii for example). More political blogs might be deriving their traffic from a tighter circle of sites and so don't come up as high as they…
Below is an image which offers evidence for functional analysis in the context of The Pliocene Pussy Cat Theory. Clearly the bipedal posture allows humans to recline in a fashion where the feet can be raised and utilized for more efficient feline insulation.
Very evil in fact. See below. Via Afarensis. You Are 62% Evil You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Below is an image that should strike fear into the hearts of all birds, from below and above, evil knows no bounds! On a serious note I was chatting with a friend of mine about the possible hypotheses for the domestication of the dog, and when we moved onto cats he remarked that I'd had it flipped around, it was the cats who domesticated us....
The first week of spring, and two birds have already been the victims of domestic selection....
Results below (via Grrlscientist). Other science bloggers results:Kevin VranesGrrlscientist You scored as English. You should be an English major! Your passion lies in writing and expressing yourself creatively, and you hate it when you are inhibited from doing so. Pursue that interest of yours! English 100% Biology 100% Mathematics 100% Philosophy 100% Engineering 100% Psychology 92% Anthropology 92% Chemistry 83% Sociology 83% Theater 67% Art 67% Journalism 58% Linguistics 42% Dance 42% What is your Perfect Major? (…
Since everyone else is, I took this quiz, and I should be on....   You scored as Moya (Farscape). You are surrounded by muppets. But that is okay because they are your friends and have shown many times that they can be trusted. Now if only you could stop being bothered about wormholes. Moya (Farscape) 81% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 75% Serenity (Firefly) 75% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 75% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 63% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 56% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 56% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 56% Enterprise D (Star Trek…
This new Science Blog is hilarious. I love their tagline! Update: OK, I take it back. What kind of dreamworld do these bitches think they're living in? I post something EDT giving props to their blog, and they're still on top of the Science Blogs front page because they posted at "5 P.M." It's 11 AM while I write, what the hell? Are these fuckers on another continent or something??? Yo cousins, new boys don't jump to the front of the line! birdz :)  
I've increased the security of comments (required email, etc.). This might cause issues, more here.
Orac is having technical issues with SB, and on some blogs comments post very slowly. I just wanted to post a notice because the problems are spotty and some of us aren't having issues.
I fancy myself good at geography. I took this quiz, and are my results: 35 out of 50 states perfect, average error 27 miles, 70% in 494 sec. Via GrrlScientist.
Radio Open Source is calling for Blogs of the Union (BOTU)posts. So here I go.... Ten years ago the internet was a new and innovative technology that was going to change our lives as it entered into mass culture. Today I doubt most citizens of this union could imagine a world without the internet or wireless technology. What was once cutting edge is now banal. No doubt when we reflect on our lives many of us old enough to remember the Jetsons wonder why so little has changed, but I believe that is a false perception, for when the future is the present it fails to elicit awe. We may not…